Recent content by Maniak222

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    アパッチ野球軍 Amazon Sales Page
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    Nicovideo rips of rare and lost anime

    Thanks redrooster :joker: Ouch... Seems to be loke WINNY... that I never succeeded to work it... :please: I will try and try, for APACHE :study:
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    Nicovideo rips of rare and lost anime

    Thanks for you quick answer redrooster :grassdance: But what is "PD", I'm not accustomed to this short naming :puzzled:
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    Nicovideo rips of rare and lost anime

    Hello Did you get each episodes with their respective OP/ED or without ? I looked and look for hardly, and only found episodes 1, 2 and 3 with respective OP/ED... :please: I look for all the 26, and espacially the 18 - 20 - 23 - 24 - 25 & 26 Can you tell me if on MU or another...
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    Tongari Boushi no Memoru (1984)[TV series](50/50) + 1985 movie

    many thanks for your help ! I enjoy to have the opening and ending for each episodes :cheer: