Search results

  1. aquamarine

    2015 Japan Chairty Calendar

    It's officially ready AND for sale!!! The 2015 charity calendar produced by my studio, Pozland Photography is officially ready go to out the door!!! We are using money raised by this 'Dangerous Toys' calendar to help those affected by the tsunami in the Minamisoma region of Japan. We plan on...
  2. aquamarine

    For Sale: Items from Japan

    All are shipped from Japan. Buyer pays actual shipping on these. - Prices are in 'Canadian dollars' Vintage Maruzen Interdynamic KG-9 Gas SMG - $130 OBO (Buyer pays actual shipping) 1985 Yonezawa Reverse-Spring 'Super Government .45' - $75 + shipping 1986 Yonezawa...
  3. aquamarine

    Hey China, Thanks For The Smog...

    Assholes... Looking North into Kita-Senju, one of the last stops going North before entering into Chiba. On normal days, you can see for several kilometers, even seeing the mountains which are roughly 60km away. View looking East
  4. aquamarine

    Happy New Year!

    While it may be early for you, it's almost EXACTLY midnight right on the button here in Tokyo. I just wanted to be one of the first people to annoy you or make you smile during the cross-over of the new year. It isn't the new millenium, the world hasn't ended and things are still not the way we...
  5. aquamarine

    Fuck this placeeeeeeee

    Ok that's it, fuck this place. I'm moving back to Canada. Just got smoked in the ass by another M7.8 quake with a 1-2meter tsunami incoming to Miyagi prefecture. FUCK THIS. (some stations are reporting 7.8, some are reporting 7.3, either way, IT'S A FRICKING SEVEN!)
  6. aquamarine

    So I May Have Been Scammed...

    Shit, it had to happen sooner or later, right? On Ebay I sell 'BitCash' cards which, once cashed in, provide the user's account with virtual credit for various Japanese websites which includes gaming, movie and software downloads. These cards can only be purchased in Japan and thus bring in a...
  7. aquamarine

    Account Hacking Attempt - Offender:

    Seems that someone in Canada, actually to be more specific, someone from British Columbia in Canada REALLY wants to play with my account. This is the second time that I have received an email from AO stating that a specific computer has attempted to access my account. The offending IP is...
  8. aquamarine

    What are the best places to find japanese porn in English?

    Perhaps the first step is learning to post in the correct forum... call it a hunch...
  9. aquamarine

    Party & Gravure Session

    For those interested, we'll be shooting the images for an upcoming gravure DVD this evening at DIX Azabu Juban. Feel free to come out and party it up while dealing with several photographers capturing the action. Cheers from Tokyo. Event Link:
  10. aquamarine

    Merry Christmas from Japan

    Some of you may be saying "What the hell is he talking about? It's not Christmas... it's not even the night before Christmas..." Well here in Japan, it's December 24th and to the majority of folks here, it -IS- Christmas. Christmas in Japan is meant for couples and takes place on the 24th...
  11. aquamarine


    CORRECT TITLE: Wanna Climb Tokyo? Well after last months wash out with climbing Mt Fuji (weather closed the trails), I had a second invite to climb Mt. Takao in Tokyo. Yes... Climb a mountain in Tokyo... I'm not making this shit up. Head down south to Hachioji and take a bus out the entrance...
  12. aquamarine

    In Tokyo? Wanna Help with JAV?

    I figure I'd post this up since there are at least a FEW people here that are in Japan (and at least one other in Tokyo). Tomorrow we are looking for somebody to hang out and help with odd things here and there around Sumida River near Asakusa while shooting for a special client. It will be...
  13. aquamarine

    For Those Of You In Tokyo...

    Just thought I'd mention that we are holding our yearly KIRA-KIRA S&M Party tonight at Las Chicas, Omote-Sando (near Shibuya). It's in honor of our good friend Kike's 40th birthday party. Doors open at 8pm and the last act will be at 2am with the party over at 3. If you are a FAB Academy...
  14. aquamarine

    Big Christmas Party - Shibuya, Japan - December 11

    Everyone should come out and party it up at the hottest party/fashion show in Tokyo! Ring Thy Bells on December 11th at Christon's Cafe, Shibuya Tokyo! Link:!/event.php?eid=109546159114147 Some of our models Our venue...
  15. aquamarine

    So North Korea Just Attacked South Korea... Crap.

    Two South Koreans dead via artillery attack from North Korea and 16 civilians injured. Wow, good job Dear Leader, you fucking tool. Go away, you're not wanted on planet Earth...
  16. aquamarine

    For Any Maria Ozawa Fans

    just a heads up that for fifteen days, miss Ozawa will be stripping in the Asakusa Top club on Asakusa-Dori next to Vista packinko. She will be making an appearance every night at 11:45pm from December the first to December the 15th. If you would like a private photo with miss Ozawa, please...
  17. aquamarine

    Need BitCash?

    It's come to my attention that a LOT of people on here want to get their hands on BitCash. I've been sending out BitCash codes for quite a while now and figure it's about time I make it public. If you need some, feel free to send me a message on here. I accept PayPal or direct deposits into...
  18. aquamarine

    I Hate Japan

    I hate Japan because I can never find shoes my size (JPN 30), the trains stop running at twelve midnight, all too many businessmen forget to brush their teeth until they get to work (breathing on me has made me dry heave on the train more than once) and KEY MONEY! Fuck I hate key money. My new...
  19. aquamarine

    I Love Japan

    I love japan because of all the delicious food. It is usually pretty good no matter where you go. You can't go wrong with an evening of Asahi Super Dry, a few sticks of yakitori, a plate of skate and ebimayo only to finish off the eve with a can of Ume ChuHi while riding the train home.
  20. aquamarine

    Do you know an Japanese roostores?

    Since there seem to be a few more stupid threads popping up now and again, I thought i'd add to the clutter. Now every time I'm in Akihabara (not passing through), I'll post here. So....... I'm in Akiba right now shopping for new sex toys that look outlandish enough to photograph and also...
  21. aquamarine

    Is there an penis within Japans ?

    I wonder if there is penis within Japans because i heard on-line inturnets that there is mens who have the penis in Japan that I see here some time . What is it from this cause and does it affect ones nonclemanturement? I think this girl who i speak to online was the escort and i hope I can...
  22. aquamarine

    Japan Related News

    Japanese Sailors: 1, Double-Standard Hippies: 0 Ouch! Sea Shepherd boat cut in half by "scientific research" ship.... Yea... I buy that the Japanese huge-ass tanker RAMMED ON PURPOSE the little ship that can quickly do 40 knots... riiiight... They obviously cut the big boat's route...
  23. aquamarine

    Japan Fact Of The... Week

    I'd do one of the day but I don't want to bother doing that many. So here is today's little tidbit. Japanese people do not eat sushi often. The reason for this is due to its price (as it is relatively expensive compared to other more filling foods - at 250 yen per small portion, its...
  24. aquamarine

    Japanese Items For Sale

    For those of you who have the pleasure of knowing me in real life (what... three of you?), you also know that I export products from Japan. These items range from airsoft guns to manga, dvd's, adult toys and even candy and special edition kit-kat bars that have been made famous here. Let's...
  25. aquamarine

    I hate Otaku

    I'm in Akiba right now and just wanted to voice my disgust with Otaku. They don't clean, they don't brush, judging by the breath of a few, and they don't fucking cover their mouths when coughing. Mother fuckers.....
  26. aquamarine

    American Girl Online wants to Marry me

    So I've been talking to this super hot chick on skype for like three weeks and she's suggesting that we get married. I think it's like a totally cool idea, like, to the nines! She said she wants to come here and take my family name because it's cool and because she thinks I'm supa-fly and hot...
  27. aquamarine

    Anime Soundtracks (Ranma 1/2 Movie & FF3 VG)

    I've been trying to track down two soundtracks for the longest time for nostalgia's sake. The first would be the soundtrack to Final Fantasy 3, had some very good music for a game (then again, it was produced by SQUARE so I shouldn't be surprised). The second would be the Ranma 1/2 second...
  28. aquamarine

    Why Date Asian Women?

    Stole pretty much this entire thread but oh well, thought you folks might get a kick out of it too. hahahaha oh good christ holy crap, the disgusting thing is that I know a...
  29. aquamarine

    Aqua's Random Gaijin Photo Thread

    Well this has started off on another forum that I frequent so I figure I could do the same. This is just for shits and giggles, for fun. If that bothers you, please go to a different thread. I'll be putting up some photos that I see and take all in the hopes of getting a few laughs. Enjoy...
  30. aquamarine

    HOLY CRAP! I'm here!!!

    So hi, my name's Chris and I'm an addict. I drink too much. I party too much. I sleep with too many women just because I'm white and have a cock bigger than 4 inches. Yea, I'm an addict. Oh, and I have a big ego, and I like being right ALL THE TIME especially when people from other...
  31. aquamarine

    Worst Japanese Experiences

    Just thought I'd start up this little topic for those of us who live or for those of you who have even traveled in Japan. What's a shitty experience you've had the displeasure of encountering? What's the worst thing that happened to you while in Japanaland? Didn't like the smell in Shibuya...
  32. aquamarine

    Voting Assistance Help please? (consider this a favor?)

    My room-mate in Japan has entered a couple t-shirt designs on a website and he can win a small contract if he wins it. Is there any chance you could go and vote for him? I personally would REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY appreciate the help. Now, you DO need to sign up to the site, but it's been...
  33. aquamarine

    Howdy From Yokohama/Canada

    Just thought I'd drop by. I saw the #shibuyashi on a torrent I downloaded aeons ago and thought I'd check out to see where it came from. I'm a photographer and business owner in Yokohama, Japan and also student back in Canada as well, so I have the pleasure of losing sleep time and time...