Recent content by loveIdols

  1. L

    Automatically click "Enter" on age warning of image hosts

    Nice trick, but maybe the better approach is to use adblock and element hiding rules to hide the overlay elements so you don't even have to click :)
  2. L

    New Board Software, New Server

    Hi coolkevin, File attachments have been showing as links for me on the old board, not with a big (broken?) thumb in the post. Karma points was the user to user rating system on the old board. It would be better if the Like button was named Thanks and had a different icon to dissociate from...
  3. L

    New Board Software, New Server

    Glad to see akiba back online. However, this board software looks like a step back to me both aestethically and functionally. Few examples: - Attachments take up a lot of (unnecessary) space and thumbs often do not show. - Board notices sometimes produce 500 internal server error when X...
  4. L

    Ryushare Promotion (suspended)

    I can't purchase account using either payment processor ( and paydollar) and there are quite some files I want from ryushare. If someone wants to trade premium bitshare account (which I paid today) for a valid ryushare account please send me a PM.
  5. L

    Ryushare Promotion (suspended)

    Can someone please provide Ryshare reseller links with alternate payment processors?
  6. L

    PETA Slams 'Pro-Fur' Super Mario

    Guys, I must say I am with PETA on this one for one sole reason -- live skinning. I have watched a video of a chinese guy skinning a live dog while chatting and laughing with friends in his dirty little village (you can find it online, but I really don't recommend watching it unless you have...
  7. L

    Ryushare Promotion (suspended)

    2 questions for those in the know: 1. Is RyuShare new payment processor safe to use? Vietnam based card processing seems rather shady to me. 2. I can't find any info whether purchasing 30 or 75 days is with rebilling or not? I am not looking forward to finding out the hard way. Please advise.
  8. L

    Ryushare Promotion (suspended)

    I figured it out -- maybe this helps someone else too. After seeing that another user has similar problem (low speed, no resume, one connection per file) I checked my saved username and password in browser. Sure enough, there was the problem -- for some reason there were two sets of credentials...
  9. L

    Ryushare Promotion (suspended)

    Anyone having any advice on downloading from ryushare? I have premium but download speeds are joke, and it wasn't like that when I bought it. When I say a joke I mean 130-200 KB/sec for a single file. I have 24Mbps connection which otherwise works fast.
  10. L

    meguIV: The Official Akiba-Online DVD Encoder (v1.0.1.1)

    Thanks for the link. However, if this is the official thread then the first post should be updated or this thread should be archived and new one created.
  11. L

    meguIV: The Official Akiba-Online DVD Encoder (v1.0.1.1)

    Download links are broken. is down for a long time due to seizure by FBI, and says:
  12. L

    Japan targets illegal downloads with piracy penalties

    When you post news that have been reposted by news media it is best to drill down to the source (which in this case is BBC) because there is more (and somewhat more accurate) information: This rehash by zdnet didn't mention that websites were defaced...
  13. L

    NPA sets up special committee to stop crimes by police

    Yeah, only we should get to grope senior high school girls by placing our hands in their underwear. :yell: :spit: :narcissist:
  14. L

    Japanese man cooks, serves own genitals

    Maybe he also had his anus removed?
  15. L

    Panty-peeling pervert prowling blue-light Yokohama

    Thats a bad idea. It would be smarter for them to wear edible panties -- that way they don't get hurt when the panties get ripped off, not to mention such panties would just decompose if left in a drawer after being worn and exposed to bacteria leaving the attacker without his prize.