Search results

  1. F

    favorite anime

    so what anime do you claim as the all time fav? for me would have to be Guyver, and not the old one ether, guess its just that sort of weird story that comes along once in a blue moon :evillaugh: another one is Berserk, kind of did the reverse on that one and watched the anime before i...
  2. F

    bitcomet torrent tutoral

    ok this seems to just be beond my range of understanding, i've tried to find tut's for this and it still doesn't seem to work. i'm asking if anyone is bored beond comprehintion or just want to be helpfull, if they could make a easy step by step on how to creat torrents :sick: because i have...
  3. F

    are you a emotional spender

    just a thought but really do you go to the mall to get stuff because its popular or are you a person that just goes to get stuff that you need. or for the sake of this topic do you just go out and buy stuff when you get mad ? me i sort of hate malls so i'm usually the one that goes when i...
  4. F

    hentai or anime

    just wandering what do you download more of, me personaly its kind of a toss up at the moment. started out just a die hard hentai fan and didn't really think of anime all that much. then i figured that i'd give it a try and next thing you know i'm getting whole freaken series :abandoned: *...
  5. F

    nick names

    okay sence we're all new here and some of you have long names * points to mine <.< * i was wondering if maybe there is a shorter fourm of addressing someone. like for me i guess fzero or something like that lol.
  6. F

    noobish feeling

    hope this is the right place for this, anyways kinda feel noobish i mean i know this is a new site and all but i mean hey way put in all the time and such on any of the other foarms that we visit. like say someone has 2,000 posts and they start on a new site, is it just me or does that feel...
  7. F

    Fav Milf pic

    so what is your fav Milf pic ? could be hentai, ecchi or hand drawn :D
  8. F


    hey, just thought i'd introduce myself so yea <.<