Search results

  1. Trollbeater

    Cops crack down on porn films targeting lolicon

    Hmmm, I have met some girls at that age that are far more intelligent then many women, and other girls that are far more mature. It really depends. What does sex have to do with attraction? Do you only find women attractive that will agree to have sex with you? How do you know before you...
  2. Trollbeater

    Cops crack down on porn films targeting lolicon

    If you are in Japan, it is legal. That is, it is not illegal for you to buy it or to possess it. It is only illegal for them to produce it or sell it to you.
  3. Trollbeater

    'Hentai' Anime Episodes Banned in Russia as Child Pornography

    Though child pornography possession is still not illegal in Russia.
  4. Trollbeater

    Japan makes first arrest for CG-generated child pornography

    Japan makes first arrest for CG-generated child pornography Japan Daily Press A 52-year old man from the city of Gifu in central Japan was arrested on Thursday for violations of child pornography laws. According to authorities, Akira Takahashi wasn’t just in possession of the illicit...
  5. Trollbeater

    'Hentai' Anime Episodes Banned in Russia as Child Pornography

    'Hentai' Anime Episodes Banned in Russia as Child Pornography Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Communications has forbidden to distribute Japanese cartoons in the genre of "hentai". It is about 13 episodes published in the Russian social network Vkontakte. Experts estimated and...
  6. Trollbeater

    Japanese police target users of Tor anonymous network

    Japanese police target users of Tor anonymous network BBC News Japanese people who "abuse" the Tor anonymous browsing network could be blocked from using it. The recommendation was made in a report drawn up for the National Police Agency (NPA) in Japan by a panel of technology experts...
  7. Trollbeater

    Japanese Porn Industry Documentary Premieres February 23

    I would be very, very interested in seeing a documentary about the Junior Idol industry. Does anything like that exist?
  8. Trollbeater

    Christmas 2012

    Merry Christmas!! From the Junior Idol fans
  9. Trollbeater

    Vulva scent and Tamatoys

    Yes and yes. Sniff and masterbate. I am embarrassed to admit that I know the answer to that. To my knowledge there is currently no way to replicate natural odors. You can try to artificially create a similar scent, but I imagine that's difficult. Vulva scent manufacturers have revealed...
  10. Trollbeater

    TAILS: How to ensure your privacy

    Well, a few points in that regard... If one is concerned with having their internet activity spied on by their ISPs, or accessing information or websites that are restricted by repressive governments, then TOR alone would be sufficient. There would be no need to use TAILS, since TOR would...
  11. Trollbeater

    TAILS: How to ensure your privacy

    First I would like to say that I would have preferred to put this in the Junior Idol section since it is really only particularly important to Junior Idol fans, that is, those that have a reason to keep their online activities private, but I am concerned that if I do so my post may be deleted...
  12. Trollbeater

    Vulva scent and Tamatoys

    I was looking around to see what I could find and I found and unusual type of perfume or scent that smells like a women's vagina called 'Vulva' scent made by a company in Germany. m4cBtnoJQp8 Intrigued, I began to wonder what might be available in Japan. Surely, I thought there must be...
  13. Trollbeater

    Mayan Apocalypse

    So the world will end on 12/21/12... How will it happen? _______________________________________________________ I am leaning toward rabies infected homicidal preteen girl outbreak, that is, a rabies based infection that, for some reason only affects girls under the age...
  14. Trollbeater

    Japanese held in U.S. over child porn

    Once again, I make 2 points: 1. [And in response to Aqua] There is no reason to believe that US law enforcement, or a criminal court, would distinguish between Junior Idol and child pornography. That is to say, not all Junior Idol material would fit the definition of child porn, however...
  15. Trollbeater

    Japanese held in U.S. over child porn

    Well, it would seem in this case that the Japanese man was selling child porn DVDs, however a U.S. law enforcement agency would not distinguish between child porn DVDs and Junior Idol DVDs. I posted this article because it suggests, or at least hints, that it is indeed possible for anyone...
  16. Trollbeater

    Japanese held in U.S. over child porn

    Japanese held in U.S. over child porn / Man operated several sites selling DVDs Daily Yomiuri Online The U.S. Homeland Security Department has arrested a Japanese man who allegedly managed child porn sites in the United States on suspicion of violating a federal law that prohibits...
  17. Trollbeater

    System flaw weakens blocking of child porn

    First, Akiba is not an adult porn site. It is a site devoted to everything Japanese, including but not limited to Japanese pornography, manga, lolicon, and Junior Idol pictures and videos. Since Junior Idol and even to an extent lolicon is influenced by laws pertaining to child pornography...
  18. Trollbeater

    System flaw weakens blocking of child porn

    System flaw weakens blocking of child porn Daily Yomiuri Online The Yomiuri Shimbun Websites selling child pornography DVDs continue to operate despite the launch in April last year of a content blocking system to fight them. The illicit sites have exploited a loophole in the system to...
  19. Trollbeater

    China and censorship solutions

    By the way, at least where I am in China, Akiba-online is blocked.
  20. Trollbeater

    No more children, please!

    Please see my post, 'No more adults, please' for my response ... rather than bump my own thread... Actually I changed my mind. I will comment. Akiba-online is not what you want it to be, it is what our gracious host intended it to be, a forum for all things Japanese and that includes...
  21. Trollbeater

    Sweden: Supreme Court mulls manga child porn appeal

    Well in the U.S. possession of child pornography will net you more time than actually sexually abusing a minor, so I guess the message is don't look, just do it. I am being facetious of course.
  22. Trollbeater

    BBcode for text wraparound

    Hello, Does anyone know the bbcode for text wraparound, so that I can float an image in a post? Thanks, TB
  23. Trollbeater

    Blocked keywords

    Cool... can you approve me then? Thanks, TB
  24. Trollbeater

    Blocked keywords

    I just tried to post a thread to the 'News' section and got message saying that my post contained some keywords that were blocked and as a result the thread required approval from a moderator before it could be posted. What 'keywords' are being blocked? I don't recall an 'Announcement' to that...
  25. Trollbeater

    Sweden: Supreme Court mulls manga child porn appeal

    Sweden: Supreme Court mulls manga child porn appeal The highly publicized last appeal of Simon Lundström, a Swedish translator of Japanese manga comics convicted of child pornography crimes, was brought up in Sweden’s Supreme Court (Högsta Domstolen) on Wednesday. “To me personally this...
  26. Trollbeater

    Usenet - back to the future?

    You should try and read the links that you provide. This quote is from the Wikipedia article you linked to, "Japan, along with Russia, are the only two member countries in the G8 that have not outlawed the simple possession of child pornography itself" And here is an article detailing a...
  27. Trollbeater

    Funny and potentially offensive English T-shirts on Asians

    And finally the real reason for this thread.... I thought that it might be less offensive if it was with other similar pictures... ... and less likely to get me banned (though I can't for the life of me find a rule that it breaks) So do you think it is photoshopped???? I can't seem to...
  28. Trollbeater

    Funny and potentially offensive English T-shirts on Asians

    Don't know if this has ever been done here but in my time in Asia I have seen many, many T-shirts and other clothing with English phrases that are either 1) inclusive of horribly bad English grammar, spelling or 2) horribly inappropriate given the person wearing the shirt or the...
  29. Trollbeater

    Usenet - back to the future?

    Downloading child pornography is legal (for personal use) in most countries. Japan is one such example.
  30. Trollbeater

    Usenet - back to the future?

    A few points, 1) usenet, like so many other technologies, gained in popularity from its use by pedophiles; the most popular groups, abpep-t, ls-series, mclt, etc. carried pictures and videos of young girls 2) usenet waned in popularity when it became increasingly unsafe and pedophiles moved...
  31. Trollbeater

    China and censorship solutions

    Once again I don't watch porn. But if I did.
  32. Trollbeater

    China and censorship solutions

    Yes getting a vps, or virtual private server, and installing openvpn on it seems like the way to go. I think I might go with something in Russia, but Japan might be closer. What speed bandwidth should I get? I would of course only get unlimited. And coolkevin, I don't look at porn. My...
  33. Trollbeater

    China and censorship solutions

    Hello, I was recently offered a rather lucrative position in China and I am considering accepting the offer of employment. I am, however, concerned over the level of censorship there and how that will affect my internet activity. I am aware of only one option however which is not entirely...
  34. Trollbeater

    Shiga police form pact with Osaka ISP to fight child porn

    To lactophilia, Well in my opinion, "Lactophiles" are criminals & should be shot on the spot. They can't "better themselves", so there's nothing good to expect from them. Vermin in human form, just have exterminate them. Simple as that.
  35. Trollbeater

    Shiga police form pact with Osaka ISP to fight child porn

    Well, by posting this article I made the assumption that members here were aware that possession of child pornography in Japan is not illegal. Production and distribution of child pornography however is. And so, I am guessing the police are giving people the benefit of the doubt and assuming...
  36. Trollbeater

    Shiga police form pact with Osaka ISP to fight child porn

    OTSU -- The Shiga Prefectural Police will join forces with an Osaka Internet provider to fight the spread of child pornography through file-sharing software, it was announced on Feb. 9. The deal signed between the Shiga police and K-Opticom Corp., a fiber optics telecoms firm, is aimed at...
  37. Trollbeater

    South Korea introduces 'chemical castration' for paedophiles

    Koreans actually raise their age by up to 2 years. It is rather complicated process. Simply stated when a child is born it is considered 1 year old. Also on the New Year everyone is 1 year older. In other words, your stated age does not change on your birth date but on New Year's Day...
  38. Trollbeater

    South Korea introduces 'chemical castration' for paedophiles

    It would not make one a sex offender. That was my point.
  39. Trollbeater

    South Korea introduces 'chemical castration' for paedophiles

    It seems you have proved my point Ceewan, but perhaps I should be more precise. (Boy you really know how to put a guy to work) The pornography law is in actually part of the an obscenity law, the 1995 Law for Electronics and Communications Businesses to suppress harmful information and...
  40. Trollbeater

    South Korea introduces 'chemical castration' for paedophiles

    Just to clarify, this law refers only to those committed of a sex crime against a child, or in some cases an adult. Currently South Korea has no laws with regard to child pornography, possession, production or distribution. All those laws fall under a blanked pornography law, which bans...
  41. Trollbeater

    No more children, please!

    It says that a forensic pediatrician testified that she was unquestionably no older than 12 years of age. I wonder if I can offer my services as an expert and testify with regard to girls ages, because I am obviously far more skilled than even a so-called expert. She does look young, but...
  42. Trollbeater

    No more children, please!

    Well she is a woman so your argument is rather odd. And 'sex tourism' laws mean that Americans travelling to Mexico would have to be careful since they could be prosecuted for engaging in a sexual relationship with anyone under 16 years of age, 18 if it is paid sex.
  43. Trollbeater

    No more children, please!

    Now Amai Liu is not only far more attractive but she could pass for a teenager of perhaps 16 or 17 on a good day and without your glasses. But I guess it comes down to your definition of a child. I would not classify girls over the age of 16 as children, would you? And for the purposes of...
  44. Trollbeater

    No more children, please!

    She looks like a flat-chested, short adult porn star to me. If you would actually mistake her for a child in real life then there is something terribly wrong with you.
  45. Trollbeater

    Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA)

    Is it technically possible for the US government to remove sites completely from the internet? I read an article on this bill which suggests that they would block sites on US hosting service providers, but how would removing sites entirely from the internet be technically possible? Edit...
  46. Trollbeater

    No more children, please!

    There are no porn stars that look like children. There are some porn actresses that look young, but they do not look like children. And there are some porn actresses that attempt to dress in clothing a child would wear and presumably act like a child in order to attract an audience of men...
  47. Trollbeater

    Help! How do you ask Japanese?

    How do you ask for Junior Idol DVDs in Japanese? What is the correct Japanese term? Thanks,
  48. Trollbeater

    No send message option on some user profiles

    Hello, I have noticed that on some user profiles there is no send message option and on some there is no option to leave a comment on the profile page. Is that an option that was turned off by that user or have they blocked me? How can I contact that person? Thanks, TB