Search results

  1. lowleg26

    Transferring a "Thanks" click

    Maybe this has been brought up before, but I'll ask anyway. Is there anyway to transfer a "Thanks" click from one post to another? I try to post a nice comment on most of the torrent/DDLs that I pick up, and sometimes they wind up getting a "thanks" that was obviously meant for the...
  2. lowleg26

    Made in Japan?

    I've been wondering this for a while, so maybe some of our Japanese residents and J-transplants can help me out. Is there any kind of push by the public or any organization to get people in Japan to buy Japan made products? :puzzled: In the States it isn't uncommon to see or hear people...
  3. lowleg26

    NEW SMILIES!!!?!!?!?!

    Whoa, how long has this been in the works!?!! Who did them? They're awesome! Thanks to the mod/admin for the Easter surprise! :sadomaso::thief::cheer: :joker: :gayprance::hi: Oh, geez, my personal favorites so far: :brucelee: :ohnoes: and this one is cute, too :thirsty: sooo thirsty!
  4. lowleg26

    Smilies in quick reply!!!?!?

    I noticed a few days ago that a selection of smilies were now available in the "quick reply" section. Is this new for everyone else, or was I just not getting them due to a browser setting or something? If this is something that the site admins had to work on, you certainly deserve a thank...
  5. lowleg26

    Looking for opinions on Hard Drives (and storage in general)

    A recent thread by diomedes, where we brushed on the topic of DVD media brands, got me thinking. I've got WAY too many CD/DVD backup discs. In the 8 years I've been backing up material in this way, I've amassed in excess of 1000 discs containing everything from movies, music, programs, old...