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  1. P

    Cute Korean Clip

    lol, rabaxik. thats what i thought the first time. then i realized that its just an emotional time between child and old man! haha
  2. P

    about the "No Avatar" option...

    yes, i agree with fhc. it is a nuicance to see that same pic all the time. also isnt there a rule that you cant impersonate other members (or just mods.. not sure). and it is kind of like impersonating others. although unintentional, its kind of the same, haha... get it? haha
  3. P

    Cute Korean Clip

    no, were here for you! haha
  4. P

    Cute Korean Clip

    i agree, i didnt find it to be the 'awww, cute' type of clip. but i will admit that it was kind of cute... and youre not weird, Igrat, for saying that, im sure its just fine, haha.
  5. P

    New bitcomet

    ya, you should be fine. Denamic is right, it doesnt really use that much... for instance, right now its only using 46,000K so its not too bad. the only times that i have bogged down my computer were when i was running maya, photoshop, winamp, azureus, and playing guild wars with the occassional...
  6. P

    For the first time...

    yes, or youll need your five-fingered friend... jk but ive found that not all people need love in their lives, not only that but love can be found in many places. now if you are talking about sexual satisfaction, then girls are a great way for that, but there are also other ways for you to be...
  7. P

    For the first time...

    why the gay comments? there are other possibilities for what is happening with the people. maybe they are asexual or something. being gay isnt going to be the only reason for people to act that way. anyway, its alright that sanjuro is only attracted to anime girls. some people are just like...
  8. P

    nick names

    the closest thing to that is when people who know my by my art name call me stone! heehee...
  9. P


    i know that the attach funtion is. but i already had all of these up in imageshack/photobucket. it just seemed easier this way. but i would love to see some graffiti from other areas! im always down for seeing more stuff!!!
  10. P


    yes, yes, im glad that youre around! nice people are always welcomed here!
  11. P


    yes, it must be fun to have the ability to control everything that goes on around here... ah, what bliss that would be...
  12. P


    yes, having active people is a fun thing about a forum, isnt it?
  13. P

    nick names

    hello, daemon.... and yes, i am too lazy.. lol
  14. P

    brave story!

    i just watched brave story! and i must say it is a fantastic movie. i was blown away by the story, animation, everything. five stars out of four for this one! great movie!!!! i recommend it to everyone!!!! have any of you seen it and if so what did you think about it? also, do you know of more...
  15. P

    Dear Santa...

    yes, yes, twilight princess is a great game. be prepared for some excellent gameplay with a great story! also look forward to many hours behind the controller!!!
  16. P

    hi all!!!

    oh, cool! i love it here in san francisco. but im really looking forward to getting back home and seeing my family! this friday our break starts. so im really excited!
  17. P

    nick names

    nicknames are funny things...
  18. P


    i will definitely do that! everyone shall know about akiba-online! ill make a cult :D jk.... maybe...
  19. P


    alright, cool! im totally down for a gallery!!!! yay!
  20. P

    hi all!!!

    ya, right next to stonestown! not really familiar with the city. wheres sunset at?
  21. P

    Cute Korean Clip

    so maybe the shot gun blast to the head isnt such a bad guess, huh? haha.
  22. P

    I have a little doubt about the rules

    yes, agreed with ether!!!! NOOOOOO CP!!!!! thats no bueno!
  23. P

    noobish feeling

    i am here to serve the master lucifer to the death of me! heehee... ill also post :D
  24. P

    it works

    i hope it only gets better!!!! haha
  25. P


    i figured this should be in the feedback and suggestions section... anyway... i find myself addicted to this site. strange? no, i dont think so. so far i have been welcomed by all, and everyone here seems to be very nice and uncorrupted! haha. thanks for being so cool! anyway, i am addicted to...
  26. P

    Recent changes to the forum.

    blocked! haha. thanks for no popups! i hate them!!!!
  27. P

    Help us Grow!

    im on the job, sir!
  28. P

    nick names

    a mouthful of monkey spit! lol.. jk rofl lmao! haha
  29. P


    oh no way! i dont roll with any gangs or anything. its simply my own thing. i do it for the art, but you need to have a name, so i chose 'stone'... but its nothing to do with drugs or anything, its actually like a stone in a river, and the tranquility that art gives me... although it is a little...
  30. P


    see, i agree completely with pedobear! its a great site that more people should have respect for! haha. i dont understand it when people dont like it! haha
  31. P


    :vomit: ngnbvcbv
  32. P


    ya, i felt that way too. i did some thinking about existentialism and laws of nature and whatnot, and i used wikipedia just to get a little more background info to make what i was saying more believable. and i was attacked for doing it, so i was just wondering... i personally really like...
  33. P


    didnt really know where to put this... didnt see an anime discussion section. anyway, have any of you seen it? if so how is the whole thing? when i was in japan this june/july i would lay on the floor of my girlfriends house with her and watch it every night. although i couldnt understand most...
  34. P


    how do you all feel about wikipedia? i i know that a lot of people are against it, but why exactly? i realize that it is a site where the general public can post the information, but does that mean that its all unreliable? i have looked at a lot of info from there, and then looked in...
  35. P

    I have a little doubt about the rules

    yay! torrents!!!!
  36. P

    For porn

    i find myself starting to get more into hentai... strange.. its not for getting off to it or anything, but more the artistic aspect of the stuff. lol
  37. P

    Cute Korean Clip

    yes that way pretty cute... "i love you!" "me toooooooo" SHOT GUN BLAST TO THE HEAD! lolz... jk..
  38. P

    phantasy star universe

    its kind of like how george lucas released star wars episodes iv, v, vi first, and then went back and made i, ii, iii. that way all the fans from before would be dying to see what happened before iv, and all the people now would want to see them cause they are simply amazing (although the...
  39. P

    Dear Santa...

    if you do get one, i personally dont reccomend getting red steel. i find it to be a waste of money. i played it on my friends wii, and it was no bueno. the graphics remind me of Goldeneye, and the hand doesnt even look like its attached to the arm! not only that but the sensitivity is all out of...
  40. P

    How long did u guys take to download a file usually

    simply amazing. i envy you!!!
  41. P

    Playstation 3

    trauma center is AMAZING on the wii! haha. its so great! i pretended to be dr. tenma from monster, haha. i always got A's :D its a great time. anyway... the ps3 is a great system, and i wish i had one. i would rather have it than a 360 mainly because of the controller... but a couple of games i...
  42. P

    New bitcomet

    its not that im a spoiled brat, its that i was smart with what i bought to build my computer... (i assembled it myself which im sure some of you did too..) i have an AMD X2 processor (bitchin!), a Radeon X1800XT 512MB graphics card (amazing!), 2GB DDR ram (wish i had DDR2 but i dont :(), micro...
  43. P


    whats up? glad youre all here!
  44. P


    welcome aboard, inuxx. glad to have you around!
  45. P

    Possible rules on torrent uploads.

    definitely good to have rules ^^
  46. P


    ya, i like these spoiler tags because you dont have to scroll, as pogi420 said. they are convenient.
  47. P

    Rapidshare section

    agreed. i dont like rapidshare too much... occassionally its alright, but almost never...
  48. P


    damn straight! use up that cpu!!!! :D
  49. P

    hentai section

    i think that it should be changed back to 'adult section' instead. the description under it says 'anything adult oriented' so it just makes sense... plus, i think there should be more adult discussion, not just hentai... edit: unless you mean 'pervert' section. then i understand it, haha...
  50. P


    glad to hear it!