is n4 JLPT same as kyuu 4?


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2013
Just wondering, if anyone took JLPT before. Is n4 same as kyuu 4, because that is usually what past test papers referred as, kyuu? I did my n5 yesterday, hope I pass. :)
Muz you should do some research before posting something that just popped up in your head.
Internet is not only for porn but for information as well.
no offence but just my thought.
I know you want to contribute to the discussion on the forum.
Well maybe you can tell us about the test you took? Any difference from the previous years?
I see you sometimes visit Japan for business. Does your language skill (even if it's very basic N5 level) help you somehow? When will you get the result of this year's test?

I believe some people on AO are also studying Japanese. So your insights can be interesting for some.
Muz you should do some research before posting something that just popped up in your head.
Internet is not only for porn but for information as well.
no offence but just my thought.
I know you want to contribute to the discussion on the forum.
Well maybe you can tell us about the test you took? Any difference from the previous years?
I see you sometimes visit Japan for business. Does your language skill (even if it's very basic N5 level) help you somehow? When will you get the result of this year's test?

I believe some people on AO are also studying Japanese. So your insights can be interesting for some.

Owh, thanks for that. Yes, N5 does help if you go Japan. I don't visit Japan for business, I go there for vacation. Somehow, I like to go there again. I think they release it in March, next year.

I don't know the difference, but pretty much the same as past years, I think. You just have to concentrate properly while taking the test, and also read the hiragana and Kanji fast, cause of the time. The listening also needs good concentration cause the conversation might be long.
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Muz Thanks for insights. Seeing your photos on the other thread (the one with the receptionist), I assumed you went there on business. Well you spoke with them so I think your language helped somehow. The language test is somewhat the same for any languages. Concentration is key as you say. Hope you pass the test.

CodeGeek Oh thanks for creating the poll. Never had that idea. Will see how the post shows.
Muz Thanks for insights. Seeing your photos on the other thread (the one with the receptionist), I assumed you went there on business. Well you spoke with them so I think your language helped somehow. The language test is somewhat the same for any languages. Concentration is key as you say. Hope you pass the test.

CodeGeek Oh thanks for creating the poll. Never had that idea. Will see how the post shows.

No, I went for vacation. That receptionist is a girl from Nismo Factory, and I went there, because my brother and his friends drives a Nissan Skyline, and we went there buy some car parts, well I guess you could say business, but not that formal.

Thanks for supporting me for the test. I hope you too succeed in whatever you are achieving. :)