It's Code Red for porn and the internet - RIP Pornhub, more to follow - US gov is back at it

Nov 23, 2020
Pornhub was hit by US right-wing Christian hate organizations for years. Then a liberal reporter for the NYT wrote a sensationalistic piece accusing the platform of allowing r*** and abuse content (even though non-porn platforms like Facebook is far worse). CC companies immediately deplatformed them. Within days, the company decided to go far beyond what they needed to do. Now that's going to set the standard for everyone. But it's not ever going to be enough.

The hysteria against porn is getting worse and worse. Porn site operators are being labeled as sex trafficers.

Politicians are spineless, none of them will risk face to stop it.

What do you think can be done? We're heading for:
- zero amateur content
- no way for normal people to post their own content discreetly
- must upload identity documents to a cloud database, forever risking being leaked
- zero reuploading of old & rare content
- "platforms that host porn" not limited to steaming sites, will affect filehosts, meaning FJ, meaning ALL CONTENT on THIS FORUM
