Kimono Wearing Mature Victimized by Girls on a Bus


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012

Ring any bells?


Works well because the casting of the victim is wonderful; she's so elegant. Wonder who she may be, too, besides what JAV this is.

""? Yet another site that blatantly steals others' copyrighted movies and makes a profit off of them? (It's enough to make one lose faith in human goodness.)

A bunch of schoolgirls strip and r*** a mature woman on a bus].jpg

Thank kew.



  • A bunch of schoolgirls strip and r*** a mature - PIC.jpg
    A bunch of schoolgirls strip and r*** a mature - PIC.jpg
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I have not given up hope on this one either, because... well, because hope springs infernal.

Perhaps the focus can be on the identification of the movie instead of the identity of the lady. And please don't tell me either or both are now part of the Witness Protection Program.

Hello, Djemba; I have noticed since hooking up with Akiba-Online only less than two months ago, you have taken sword in hand and embarked upon the crusade of solving JAV puzzles. I commend you for doing so (also for doing a great job at it), and I thank you for cracking the code of my own bewilderment, here.

As luck would have it, this wallop-packing movie, as well as the rest from its series, are from some ten years ago.

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