Mouth-opening devices


New Member
Jan 3, 2015
Does anyone know the name of the device used in some bukkake movies to hold a girl's mouth open? I attach an image showing what I mean.

I'd also love to know how to search for movies with this in them. I used to think they were weird but now think they're great! I'm getting more perverted with every passing year...


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I love those things too. I think they are called oral spreaders. Unfortunately, I don't think or I'm not aware of any particular Japanese word or phrase that is useful in finding those. I guess something like "facial distortion" but that can also include things like nosehooks and such.

Some movies that feature scenes with it come to mind though,
DMC-21 and other various milky-cat movies

INDI-021 (spit bukkake)
What came to my mind...





DMC-14 also has some:

They are cheek/lip retractors, mouth spreaders, for dentistry and surgery, and ultra perverted Japanese semen porn :p

They come in a variety of shapes:

You can find other suggestions in this thread:
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do any of this vids have open mouth swallowing? with or without the devices?
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I love this stuff too, but especially the lesbian variety and without bukkake. Yes, I guess i'm weird.
I can't explain why I like it.
I love SOME of the stuff on BBmovies with a similar thing. I have a ton of their movies.

Has anyone been able to subscribe to this site?

It has a ton of similar stuff and it's annoying that they don't seem to accept credit cards. I wish I had a friend in Japan that could hook me up with an account (for full price).

BTW here's an ultra weird one. Can anyone get it?

This one too:

You can download the full trailer by clicking the link next to the video.
I go out of my way to not judge what others find amusing, and I try not to offer up my opinion when it's pointless to do so, however...


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And countless other people find it unsexy and disgusting for women to even receive lots of cum in their mouths, or receive lots of facials, or to drink cum. The peculiar thing is, why enter a thread with an obviously descriptive title, scroll past 14 posts containing a myriad of "unsexy" images, then post your discontent with a sex act you find repulsive? If you don't like the whole mouth opening device thing that's fine for you. But, why bother telling everyone about it in a thread that is obviously and clearly for those that like it, and are actively seeking to watch more of it? It's like going to a baseball game and shouting to everyone, "Ya know what? I hate baseball !" Pointless.

Perhaps voicing your opinion to Milky Cat directly would actually have a practical application instead of being totally futile and useless ---> voicing complaints to people that have neither power nor care.

If you don't find the act sexy, why even enter the thread? To complain? We should all stick to the threads that revolve around what interests us, and ignore threads that disgust us or offer us nothing of interest. There's no point in people going around to threads containing content that disgusts them merely to offer up complaints. Some would view that as troll-like behavior.

"I try not to offer up my opinion when it's pointless to do so..."

Too late!
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Reminds me of cum at the dentist:
RCT-300 歯医者でごっくん
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