need help identifying this really cute JAV actress


New Member
Sep 6, 2014
Hello, first off I like to introduce myself. I just recently 'discovered' JAV. I was introduced to
it by an online friend. It feels like a world unto itself (so many awesome cute actresses I'm overwhelmed.) Suffice to say I'm currently hooked.

Recently I was browsing a website and some thumbnail of an idol caught my eye. Sorry I have no better
quality and was wondering if someone could give me the name of this actress and the film? She's really cute!

I would really appreciate your help!! Thanks in advance!!

PS- would be awesome too if anyone can link to threads discussing this girl and any related media/torrents. Thanks again.
I don't know what her name in English is, but in kanji its 巳田里紗, and the video's code is SV-277. Sadly it seems she hasn't made another video since.
Actually, the video code is SVDVD-277. The actress' English name is Lisa Mita. (Cover says Risa, but Lisa is a better translation in my opinion, as it's an actual English name and the Japanese don't have a seperate L and R.
She also stars in SAMA-531 and is one of the actresses in DANDY-271 as well.
does anyone know where i can find some torrent links? this girl seems elusive on the web.
not sure if they are the same girl, but if you like her, you might like Mizusaki Roller aka Mizusaki Laura who looks similar.