Please Help Fellow Akiba'ers from Head Scratchings with These Flicks


Akiba Citizen
Jan 20, 2012


Hey, listen, I'm not asking this out of my usually selfish need to know - but to lend a hand to our fellows who may benefit from knowing the identity of half-a-dozen films mentioned on my last post (toward the end of the page) for the "Stream DOWNLOADS" thread. Yes, I piled up the "Asian" movies listed in the beginning of
Userporn's "Asian" section, making them available as downloads for those who may be interested, but a few I couldn't figure out. All I have are the links to the movies that have been mentioned in that post, so I can't fulfill any of the criteria that is here being expected of I.D. questioners (those would be, 1. Still image of the girl, 2. Thumbnails of the video in question and 3. Cover image of video) because, what? You don't expect me to download these films to prepare all of that (or Numbers 1 & 2, anyway), do you? (WORK! I know how to count, and thst is a four-letter-word.) Yeah, normally I go to town for the preparation of my own selfish questions whenever I need to know something, but this question is so completely unselfish (please think of me as another Mahatma Gandhi. Or Albert Schweitzer. Or Mother Teresa. Please) I think I can be let off the hook. So thanks in advance, and if you have any of the answers, do us the favor of traveling to that thread, and mentioning your insight on that thread. (As well as, if you want to be really nice, here as well.) The link is:

Again, my last post near the bottom of that page.

The films are (let me reproduce whatever information I provided):

Unknown Tokyo Hot

257 MB , 95 minutes

painless download

Unknown Uncensored Busty Collection

273 MB , 100 minutes

painless download

Unknown Incest Movie


237 MB , 86 minutes
painless download

Unknown MAXING movie starring Akiho Yoshizawa:


She plays a photo model who gets taken advantage of in at least one scene; the checkered "racing" motif from a later scene may help in tracking this one down.

660 MB , 119 minutes
painless download

Unknown RUBY movie with a sort-of domineering wife


The attractive actress sure looks familiar. Looks like she has her way with the weak husband, guess it is the son who bullies him and is chased away by mom, and then husband and wife have normal sex. Vid is labeled "556," which may be part of the DVD code.

259 MB , 95 minutes
painless download

Unknown "Infiltrating Police Investigator"


Looks like the lovable Tubby is part of the cast.

455 MB , 118 minutes
painless download

I thank you, and the porn posse who is considering the snatching of this smut also thanks you, but they are probably too wrapped up in their prurient interests to show any courtesy, so let me thank you for them, instead.

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Thanks, Waxaxa; I made the notation on the S.D. thread. MXGS-371 takes care of the "Unknown MAXING movie starring Akiho Yoshizawa" riddle, and hopefully some or all of the five remaining movies will be unraveled, as well.

Your link for "Unknown RUBY movie with a sort-of domineering wife" is wrong, it points to the mxgs-371 above it.
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The unknown incest movie is VENU-136 starring Hitomi Araki (荒木瞳)
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The busty collection is RED-105 Red Hot Fetish Collection 87.
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The Tokyo Hot one is n0609 Nymph Slave - Anna Kisa.

If you want to ID more links from userporn, try downloading the video with an addon like FVD Video Downloader, in most cases the video code is in the file name it wants to save the video with.

Doesn't work for everything though, the incest movie had a gibberish file name.
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You are as supercharged as ever, Electromog, for nailing most of these. Ingenious of you to have uncovered the "secret Userporn code" through FDV Downloader, as well. You and Waxaxa have performed a valuable service to those contemplating these downloads, now and in the future. (Nothing like knowing what it is one downloads.)
