I've been trying to use the Search feature in the latest Akiba-Online incarnation and it's just not working for me. Example: suppose I wanted to search the JAV Downloads Forum for threads with "xxxx" or "yyyy" or both in the title. In the previous version of Akiba-Online, this could be done by entering
xxxx yyyy
in the Keywords field, equivalent to the logical OR operation: xxxx OR yyyy. In the current implementation, entering "xxxx yyyy" without the quotes into Keywords field is equivalent to the logical AND operation: xxxx AND yyyy, not at all expected by those familiar with the previous website.
Unfortunately, there doesn't appear to be a way to do a logical OR. According to XenForo, I should be able to enter the following into the Keywords field:
xxxx | yyyy
The result of this search is many items that contain neither "xxxx" or "yyyy", which doesn't make any sense.
Finally, the previous version of Akiba-Online allowed a favorite search to be saved - a very useful feature. This feature is missing in the current version. Even if the saved search feature was present, I couldn't use it. In the previous version of the website it was possible to specify a relative date range: the maximum age of a thread. In this version, only a less useful absolute date range can be specified: a "newer than" date.