Special rules for this sub-forum


Team Tomoe
Oct 4, 2007
Hi guys,

We're planning some major changes to this "Idol DVD & Bluray Downloads" subforum. The objective is to cut down on the heavy reposting going on in here, and to help make never-before-shared videos more prominent. Our current plan of action is:

1) All videos that don't have a DVD/Bluray code will be moved to the new "Idol Video Clip Downloads" subforum.

2) Existing megathreads will be closed, and new ones will not be allowed.

3) A "One thread per title" rule will be instituted, after staff have completed extensive cleanup operations. That means a filehost mirror or re-encode will be posted as a reply to an existing thread, never as a new thread. In other words, every DVD/Bluray code will have one thread, and one thread only.

4) New releases in this sub-forum should not be re-uploaded or torrented immediately. Please wait at least 7 days. This rule does not apply to different versions or encodings.
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Please upload the screenshots!

Due to the fake movie cases which becoming more and more serious and widespreaded in the forum lately, we have no choice but to enforce the following rule.

From now on, all the contributors MUST post the SCREENSHOTS of the videos (especially DVDISO) whenever you want to share a new movie in Idol DVD & Bluray Downloads section. The mods will remove the new video threads if we find out the screenshots are not available, or the screenshot is not matched with the cover/title.

All the genuine contributors in A-O have been practising on posting the screenshots since day one. So I believe they have no problem to follow this order. As for those new posters who never post screenshots and never check the video content, please watch out.

By implementing this rule, we hope that we can eliminate all those fake movie cases all at once.


A-O staff team
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For a quick check, download the first file's 20MB.
Should enough to play video if it is avi.
Should enough to open it with winrar if it is a rar file.(fake ISO)
when openit with Hex Editer, ISO should be start with "00 01 02 03 04 ~0F 00" in the first 17 bytes.
Announcement PREMIUM only

please follow the above link for announcement on premium only users, it effects some posters here
Add on to the initial post in the announcement

It is becoming annoying that some members are restricting the amount of free files to be had, and leaving the premium links only, AS FROM THIS MESSAGE, all posts will be deleted if only premium links are left Saturday 29-09-29 00.01 GMT, and if it does not stop infractions and suspensions will be issued thank you all for your help in this matter

As from the time of this post, all new posts will have a 7 day exclusivity period where other posters can't add mirrors, unless they have permission from the original poster

the exception are those that come from the torrents, and it would be helpful if the torrent is linked to the post (and for those who post fakes links to get there first, will find they will probably face an automatic suspension)
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the 7 day rule has been extended this week
How does the 7 day rule work here in this sub-forum? I reported the member @DHung2407 for re-uploading this file just one hour after the original poster started the thread.
Original Post: 5:20 PM
DHung2407 Post: 6:27PM


After reporting it, i got a rejection with the reason, "there is no 7 days rule for this post".
I just wanna know why to understand this better, because here in the rules it says:

4) New releases in this sub-forum should not be re-uploaded or torrented immediately. Please wait at least 7 days. This rule does not apply to different versions or encodings.

He uploaded the same version, even used the same archives he just downloaded, so why does the rule not apply here? It also seems to be the first time this file was posted on AO.
@smile81 uses a password on his files especially because he does want people to get it from him, so he for sure did not give any permission.

@DHung2407 is so fast in re-uploading, i think he does this for a job, i cant even imagine what kind of high speed internet connection he must have, to download and instantly re-upload to so many filehosts. Maybe he uses a script, bot or something.
OK most his re-uploads are in the JAV section that dont have a 7 days rule, im just curious why it wont apply on this one to understand this better because it seems common in this sub-forum.
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yes it is an old post from years ago, and has watermarks
so its the same as last year or so when i posted something that i didnt find on AO, but it didnt get sticky because there was a post of it long time ago that you cant find anymore except if your a mod and you can see those deleted posts?
with this bulletin board we cannot see deleted posts, but there was a torrent

but the watermarks should give you a clue, that it is not an original post

it has been getting worse recently, and it is getting worse all the time, and the complaints are coming in more often,

from now on ALL POSTS that have any water marks in them must say in the post, if not then infractions will given, a lot of the original material did not have them, so why should we have them now

if the watermark is only a few seconds at the beginning and the end, you may say so, if it is only a tiny one in the corner, you may say so

this is only in this section for the time being but do expect it to be in all Idol section before the New Year
possibly posted wrong
What are the most current rules for posting in this section, they haven't been updated for a few years now?
Can we have a list?

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they have not changed
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