Akiba-Online has a great system for including images in posts. And yet unscrupulous users (I hesitate to call them "community members") continue to use image hosts and trick community members into clicking thumbnails that link to spam-ridden (and in some cases virus-ridden) image hosts. I would like to hear the reason why image host links are not simply banned. What possible benefit is there to the community, or to Chompy's bottom line? Or is Chompy getting a cut of the income from those clicks? There are several accounts here that may not even belong to individuals, but rather belong to full-time spammers who simply find other people's torrent or download links and attach an image-host thumbnail, not because they want to share content, but simply because they want income from clicks. By allowing image host links, AO is putting the profits of a handful of so-called users above the interests of the vast majority of AO users.
Please ban image host links, or offer a convincing explanation of why you do not.
Please ban image host links, or offer a convincing explanation of why you do not.