[AVI & DVD-iso] Hidden Cam at Spa, Tease Of Small Girl 1 & 2 (Oct. 15)

Use FFSJ to join the files.

When I try using hjspliy I get an error message saying my drive is not ready or full, which doesn't make sense.

and whenever I try to extract the first part it says file is corrupt. Can someone help me?

i can't even extract the first file :/

how do i make it recognize the other parts?

Use FFSJ to join the files, it seems to work better.
I also got a problem while joining the files with FFSJ. It just finds the first 3 parts...
Why cant the program find the other files?? even downloaded the other parts again but still the same problem...

Someone got an idea?

Edit: ok, somehow fixed it.
!!Thx for upload!!
Folder megauplod emty,can you check again, please . I only work with megaupload....
thank a lot...:D
Hi all! I know i am asking a lot but i am stuck on 99.8% of this file and have been for weeks :( I have it on constantly so is there any chance of someone seeding just for the last couple meg? I would be soooo thankful!!!! :) I have 4373 of 4381 meg! Lol!
PLEEEEEZE someone....i need 8 meg :(

Edit..now have 16 peers online with me all stuck at 99.8%....
Downloaded the Tease Of Small Girl 2 a while ago, but it was in 320x240 size (maybe I downloaded the wrong encoding?). I decided it needs the MeguIV treatment and made a MeguIV encode from the ISO offered by the immortal winodano. All credit to him. :harp:

PS: If this post needs to be moved elsewhere because it's in the wrong place or something, please let me know.

:meguiv: :tgmc: :mp4: :h264: :aac: :fullscreen: :30fps:
