The Ultimate Catalogue of Bestiality in Hentai Anime


New Member
Mar 8, 2011
(I know IRL bestiality is not allowed on here, but I have seen discussion of hentai beast before so I believe it's fine to talk about at the very least.)

Hey, I'm not sure if this is the right place for this type of post, but I feel a thread like this is necessary. It can be very difficult to find animated hentai that relates to your fetishes. Oftentimes you are just given a huge list of titles with tags, and waste bandwidth downloading only to find out that there was barely anything relating to your fetish to speak of, or the scene is not satisfying. As a bestiality fan I have run into a lot of difficulty like this. While there is plenty of illustrations about the subject the anime featuring it is few and far between. To that end I have typed up what I believe to be the definitive list, everything I have found in my searching, divided into 2 sections. I don't want to step on any toes so these will be names only, maybe a screenshot added lated. I'm sure as seasoned hentai viewers you will have no trouble finding a place to download these.

Here we go:

This first list I will refer to as "pure" bestiality. I define that as a male animal, as similar to a real life as possible, having sex with a humanoid female. Basically what you'd find in live-action, but animated. These scenes are very hard to find and I'd like to have the most complete list I can. I think I have a good number of what's out there already, but if you think of something you can add, please help me out!

Family of Debauchery
episode 1 (?)
This is the most famous bestiality clip and probably the most explicit on this list. A woman is trapped in a cage with a couple of little girls and a dog. The little girls spread honey over her pussy and encourage the dog to lick it, and eventually he mounts and penetrates her. After fucking for a while he speeds up and cums inside of her. It sounds good, but the cheap looking 80s animation is and somewhat unappealing and may make it less fappable than some other entires on this list.

Cool Devices
episode 6

At one point in this episode a girl is being chased by a pack of dogs in her underwear. She trips and falls, backing up against a tree in horror as the dogs close in. The lead dog rips off her panties with his teeth, very hot build-up. The they lick for a few second and the girl screams (possibly in orgasm) and the scene cuts. That's it!

Phantom Hunter Miko
episode 2

The plot of this episode is that all the main characters have swapped bodies because of some magical necklace. The mind of the pervy old guy ends up in a dog, but they use a magic seal to put him to sleep while they go have a scene. Near the end a passerby removes the magic seal not knowing what it is, and the old guy in the dog's body starts penetrating one of the main characters. VERY hot humping animation but it's only on screen for a couple seconds and the camera is shaking all over. The girls then run away while the dog chases them, until he finally pounces on one and starts fucking her... off camera! One of the other characters says "looks like he's cumming," which just adds insult to injury that we don't get to see it as the audience.

Mitama Nin
episode 2

This is a good one and fairly recent too, with an unusual animal: frogs! The story is about female ninjas. In the last part one of the ninjas is covered in frogs by a demon, and we proceed to get some very hot animations of them burrowing into her clothes (and her pussy!) and using their tongues to stimulate her. She's then r***ing by a giant frog who takes the form of a human but keeps his prehensile tongue. The sex is intercut with a battle scene, and the small frogs take up less and less space each time we return. The frog-guy eventually cums inside her right before the spell on him wears off... He is revealed to be a small frog and is seen coming out of the ninja's pussy and running away.

Makai Kishi Ingrid / Dark Knight Ingrid
episode 4

This cock-block is still somewhat painful because it all happened so recently, but you still might get enjoyment out of the build up. When Pixy first released the preview images for episode 4, bestiality fans like myself were extremely excited because they featured a large dog with three heads (cerberus) posed to r*** the heroines. The episode finally came out and we waited until the very end to watch this scene. The dog spends some time licking the two main characters' pussies, going so far as to place a paw on top of one. There is then an animation of the dog's cock becoming erect and exposed from it's sheath, and the main heroine watches in horror as it slowly approaches her. THE DOG IS THEN KILLED AND THERE IS NO MORE SEX FOR THE REMAINDER OF THE EPISODE. We can only hope this scene is reimagined on the eventual DVD box set. The build up is very hot and if you can stand the fact that there is no payoff, more power to you.

Dragon Pink
episode 3

I really hesitated putting this one on the list, because the animal in question is a snake and snakes too often are just "tentacles with faces" and don't really capture why I love the bestiality fetish. However I always found this one very hot in a way similar to bestiality, so I will include it here. The heroine, a cat girl named pink is being molested by a lamia, who sends her pet "dildo cobra" into her vagina. The cobra squirms around for a while making her cum, and then grows spikes while still inside to hurt her.

Sex Demon Queen
episode 1

This movie features a running gag where the villain will often have her monologues interrupted by her small dog licking her through her underwear, causing her to moan in ecstasy before she kicks him away in anger. Nothing is really shown and the bits are short, but her reactions are still pretty hot!

episode 1

A nurse spreads some butter over her pussy and has a dog lick it off. Very short, not very graphic. Barely anything.

Blood Shadow
episode 1

Okay, this is barely anything at all, but I'm so desperate I wanted to have everything possible on this list. In the middle of the episode the protagonist's get a little dog, who tries to nuzzle into one of the girls' crotch before humping a support beam. They kick him and you see some semen shoot upward, no penis even. It's mostly for humor.

Viper RSR
episode: n/a

Okay this one isn't even anime and borders on "monster" territory but the Viper series GIF animations are just too good! Part of the game has the heroine r***ing by a zombie-dog like monster. A rip containing a woman voicing over the GIFs is floating out there somewhere.

This next section I will refer to as "not-quite bestiality." There is no real substitute for real beast, which is why I try so hard to collect all the clips I can. Unfortunately the "pure" bestiality scenes above are often very short, animated poorly or without any sort of climax. Because of that I have began to collect these clips. They really fall more into the "monster" category, but the monsters are so animal-like that I can get a similar pleasure from it. The main draw is that there is a lot more to work with. These scenes are more often long or the main plot of an episode, and have satisfying cumshots at the end. Depending how far I want to stretch my definition this section could get very long, so I tried to choose only the very best that reminded me of traditional bestiality the most. You can contribute to this list if you think you know a good one.

Soukou ki onna Iris / Armored Knight Iris
episode 3

This is one of my favorite hentai animations of all time and the premise is just so good I was able to look past the typical Pixy drop in quality during the later episodes. The plot of this series is that Iris, a human mecha pilot, is kidnapped and sold as a prostitute on an alien planet. Lots of hot alien sex ensues. In episode 3, Iris' "clients" are a tribe of "duck people," who gang up and r*** her all at once. Later in the episode, Iris is r***ing by a large insect creature with two cocks, though the quality of this scene is lacking.

Princess Knight Catue
episode 1 &(!) episode 2

This is quickly becoming one of my favorite series to fap to. There is some body distortion which I am not into but I was easily able to look past it in favor of the good stuff. The last scene in episode 1 involves the princess having to pleasure a fat pig beast that quickly takes control of the situation and r***s her. Her cries while getting licked are especially cute. In the first scene of the second episode, the princess is restrained while a group of seven different animal monsters that take turns with her mouth and pussy. There is a chicken beast, goat beast, dog beast and more... All seven of them get satisfying animations and internal cumshots, though some get more screentime than others. If you like the pig from episode one you can also look for an animation rip of the game this series is based on; it's animated very well and contains sound.

Shoujo Senki Soul Eater
episode 1

This is a pretty new animation. They don't spend a lot of time on story so it's just pure sex with lots of cumshots, although the animation seems a bit cheap compared to some other hentai anime. The first third has a girl being r***ing by an anthro tiger in a lot of different positions. Then in the middle she is r***ing by a group of anthro tanuki/raccoon people. In the last third, a woman is retrained by an octopus while she is fucked by two wolf-men. Better than a lot of stuff out now when it comes to beast content, but leaves a bit to be desired.

Hime Dorei
episode 2

A woman is r***ing by two demonic goat-men who have long, transparent snakes for dicks. A little out there, but lots of overlap if you like monster r***. The noises the goat-men make are very primal and give the scene a beast feel.

Boundary Between Dream and Reality
episode 1 / episode 4

A catgirl is pursued by a pack of very feral looking wolfmen, who tear off her clothes and gangbang her. There is an oral cumshot if I remember correctly but the girl is saved before things really have a chance to get going. In episode 4, their leader who is more "monster" in appearance fucks a girl while the lesser wolves lick.

Imma Youjo
episode 3

A girl is r***ing by a large, grotesque spider creature. They have a surprisingly high amount of screentime but it is moslt interspliced with a different scene and there is no cumshot.

Kowaremono 2
episode 1
In the closing sequence we see some shots of the heroine being r***ing by some kind of hairy monster. Now why couldn't he have shown up in the actual series!

episode 1

This is pretty famous. Two girls are r***ing by a large horse-man and tentacles. Very good, but none of the later episodes or sequels have anything close to this level of beast.

I'm going to cut this section short, seeing as the closer I get to "monster r***" territory the longer it will get, and frankly monster is so common it doesn't need a list like this. I just wanted to give you guys some substitutes for when the "pure" bestiality cockblocks you or isn't satisfying.

Please, if you find anything in anime that contains bestiality, add it to this list! The material is so uncommon. Hopefully they will eventually make more.
you can add Kowaku no Toki to the Pure list, 2 of the 4 sex scenes of the ova are of girls having sex with a horse, they dont show directly the horse but is heavily implied, being very obvious on the 2nd one
you can add Kowaku no Toki to the Pure list, 2 of the 4 sex scenes of the ova are of girls having sex with a horse, they dont show directly the horse but is heavily implied, being very obvious on the 2nd one

If you look at the hoofs and the sound it makes, it's not actually a horse but a bull. And again confirmed a scene later.
Thank you, Kowaku no Toki was a good one!

I'll also add Mahou Shoujo Elena episode 1, it's more of a "monster" scene but the monster is very doglike and the scene is done very well.
Phantom Hunter Miko
episode 2

Dang I wish they really did show a legitimate scene for this. It had such potential :pandalaugh: