Some things need to go, but which?

Hans Kowalski

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2007
I'm sure a few of you know the problem, your hard-drive is almost completly full and so are your external storage devices, so what do you do? One solution is of course to get rid of some older stuff that you think you might not watch again.

How do you decide what to get rid of? Have you ever regrettet the decision?

Rceently I cleaned up my harddrive a bit. I got rid of all Knights Visual movies, because they were taking up a lot of space and honestly, they're all very similiar. But shortly afterwards I regrettet not keeping at least the ones with my absolute favorite actresses. I might get a select few of them again, they should still be online, but it's weird, I hadn't watched any of them in months and I still want a few of them back now.

Then I got rid of like half of my Yuma Asami collection. I wanted to do this for a long time actually, she was one of the first actresses I took notice of when I got into JAV and when I downloaded a lot of her movies, I was just building up my collection and wasn't nearly as selective as to what I'm actually keeping. I hadn't watched most of them in *years*, but still never could go through with deleting them until now. Now I only have a few personal favorites of hers left.

Actually, after my AV collection got too big the first time, I got rid of all my Hentai and western porn. My rationale being that most of the western stuff can easily be found on the mainstream streaming sites like Pornhub and whatnot, and you can read most Hentai Doujins online as well. JAV, or rather (imo) good JAV in fairly decent quality is harder to find on streaming sites, especially when you're looking for a huge collection.

So anyway...what did you get rid of? Did you regret it? Do you want to get rid of some stuff, but just can't decide what?
There will always be some regrets. Everyone says, "You never forget the 11,000th image you jerked off to." :p

But if the ratio of regrets to forgetables you've deleted is 1 in 50, you've done well. And if you replace 50 forgetables with 30 new faves, you've done even better! (Interesting how we squirm over deleting even a simple gravure set, but think nothing of the hundreds of thousands of living sperm cells we've deleted. :confused:)

There's a flip side to deleting those truly regretables--you get to search for them again, and re-live finding and enjoying that old friend. Old song lyric says, "Love is better, the second time around."

Here's something practical that works for me: Take something hard, and a section of hard drive, and go on a "Good-bye Tour." Give everything you've saved in that section one last fap and then say "so long." What I discover is a lot of images I have no idea why I saved them. With videos, I find I'm fast forwarding, jumping ahead, trying to locate that "good part" I must have saved this for. Good-bye tours leave me with few regrets.

Let's be honest: a day masturbating is a day wasted. But at least you'll have some empty *MBs to show for it. ;)

* always measure your newly recovered space in MB instead of Gigs--you'll be more impressed with your work
I'm sure a few of you know the problem, your hard-drive is almost completly full and so are your external storage devices, so what do you do? One solution is of course to get rid of some older stuff that you think you might not watch again.

How do you decide what to get rid of? Have you ever regrettet the decision?

Rceently I cleaned up my harddrive a bit. I got rid of all Knights Visual movies, because they were taking up a lot of space and honestly, they're all very similiar. But shortly afterwards I regrettet not keeping at least the ones with my absolute favorite actresses. I might get a select few of them again, they should still be online, but it's weird, I hadn't watched any of them in months and I still want a few of them back now.

Then I got rid of like half of my Yuma Asami collection. I wanted to do this for a long time actually, she was one of the first actresses I took notice of when I got into JAV and when I downloaded a lot of her movies, I was just building up my collection and wasn't nearly as selective as to what I'm actually keeping. I hadn't watched most of them in *years*, but still never could go through with deleting them until now. Now I only have a few personal favorites of hers left.

Actually, after my AV collection got too big the first time, I got rid of all my Hentai and western porn. My rationale being that most of the western stuff can easily be found on the mainstream streaming sites like Pornhub and whatnot, and you can read most Hentai Doujins online as well. JAV, or rather (imo) good JAV in fairly decent quality is harder to find on streaming sites, especially when you're looking for a huge collection.

So anyway...what did you get rid of? Did you regret it? Do you want to get rid of some stuff, but just can't decide what?

I've deleted some stuff that I tought not good enough and I will not watch them again, but later I want to watch them again I regret that I've deleted them :( after that I prefer to buy new storage, or at least copy into dvds and save it until I can buy new HDD

some movies can be very difficult to get it again especially the oldies and not so popular, so better be careful, don't easily delete them

one of my top regrets is deleted some clips from Rick Lee's asian man :(
I try not to get rid of many things, but when I have very little space I try converting things to rmvb format or smaller, or i look for flv versions of things i may have to delete.
What I've done with a few JAVs in collection is to remove boring & unfappable parts via video editing.
The end result is a shorter and smaller video that I can watch without some of the usual boner killers some JAV producers leave in.
Of course it can be very time consuming if your collection is hundreds of videos.
If I have to make a lot of cuts (usually because of some damn male actor constantly blocking my view of the girl) in one video it can take me a couple of hours to edit.
I dunno, actually clipping parts of the movie out would be the worst solution for me. Maybe I'm just weird, but I need the full video in my AV collection, even if not every scene is a hit. Otherwise the whole thing is worthless to me and I'm going to delete it anyway.
I generally just buy a new external hard drive lol. Not huge on deleting things. I like having a collection. Though, with the horrible quality rips lately, it's making it a lot easier to delete stuff. -_-
Jesus, I really need to buy a new external harddrive, yesterday I was so close to deleting my entire JAV collection in a crazed mission to make for more space.
I never delete anything! Rare times I have, happened to be with movies I knew would be absolutely, positively worthless.

Once I had a hard drive crash, and then found myself looking for replacements. While I gave Leebar much credit for being such a romantic when he wrote, above: "You get to search for them again, and re-live finding and enjoying that old friend. Old song lyric says, 'Love is better, the second time around'" ... I thought, I hated that second time around! What a sinking feeling, to discover hard sought movies were no longer to be found. Ditto, what about all of that wasted downloading time for those of us without blazing fast Internet speeds?

(The beautiful song by Teddy Pendergrass also says: "Takes a fool to ... start all over again.")

Now the downside of this is I've got a lot of junk that I'll never watch again, and there are even some that I may not have ever watched. Yet... I often come across an actress I've developed an appreciation for, or a JAV series that shows promise. What a wonderful feeling to look in the collection and see there are more of the same.

Since the hard drive crash, I've learned to make a second copy of the JAVs. Another downside is, new drives occupy space.

I actually admire, in a strange way, those who can chuck the fruits of their labors; they have more courage than I. For me, however, the answer is to get new storage. Now hard drives come in multiple TBs, and there is no excuse not to keep the flicks. (You can store a lot! Unless you are one of those who insist on every movie needing to be 5 GB each. This is why I like stream downloads, and prefer two-hour movies to go for 400-500 MB each, the lower quality of which does not get in the way of my enjoyment. If there is a movie I love, I can then seek a higher-quality version.)

You can find reliable 1.0 TB drives for fifty dollars; if you can wait for them to go on sale, you can buy ones with greater storage space for around the same amount. If you decide on also picking up drives to use as back-up (you'd be foolish not to), and if you're cheap, you can pick those up with slower speeds (e.g., 5400 RPM instead of 7200), or refurbished. (I'd rather spend a few more bucks, myself.) If storage space for your storage space is a problem, you can also get the little slim drives (such as "My Passport"), which do a good job of keeping your smut safe.

(I'm a completist, by the way, and would shy away from re-editing movies; the fast-forwarding option works well enough to bypass the less preferred parts.)

(Thanks for yappin', Floydianpr0n... I hope you will consider doing so more often. That goes double... maybe triple... for you, extremely long-time Member Klermun!)

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Someday when piracy dies, all that JAV i've collected will pay off.

Guess how much it will be worth then.

I decided to save some of my favourite JAV a while back and amassed a hundred GB worth of JAV in a week. That's when I decided to just delete all of them because having so many of my favourites two clicks away would've led to some unhealthy habits and no available disk space in no time.
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I like to do "maintenance" when I'm starting to run out of space. IMO a good starting point is to look at your heaviest videos and ask the question "Is X really worth 10+GB?".

I highly recommend using a program called Spacesniffer. It creates an organized visual representation of what takes up space in a selected hard drive.
I've faced this same problem many times and the solution is always deleting what I don't watch often or don't even watch at all. Splitting is another solution I choose sometimes. But there are still those 50-100 titles I just can't delete cause I fap to them too often.
I usually just add a drive when i run out of space. (Though i was "helped" at some point when a dying computer board started to currupt the attached drives, losing me quite a few movies).
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Not sure where you are but in the US you can get a 5TB USB drive for less than $150. I actually invested in a NAS server once I got to 8 of these, even so, they do fill up fast with HD videos and such.

Another thing I do is I "rate" each one 1-10 as I watch them, and I keep a list with notes. When I get low on space I scan back through my list and skim through anything with a 4 rating or less, if I'm not even mildly aroused by it I delete it. Usually leaving it in my list with a note on why it didn't work for me "too fat, too old, bad actress, fake tits, boring, bad video quality" etc. so I don't spend too much time regretting my decision.
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... in the US you can get a 5TB USB drive for less than $150. I actually invested in a NAS server once I got to 8 of these ...

... I "rate" each one 1-10 as I watch them, and I keep a list with notes. When I get low on space I scan back through my list and skim through anything with a 4 rating or less, if I'm not even mildly aroused by it I delete it. ...

$1200 + list of notes with scores to fulfill porn addiction. Keep at it, bro.
Whatever it takes 5%
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