Newhalf Thread

It's hilarious seeing the people on here trying to argue how they are not gay, sorry guys but you are at least part gay. You are not totally gay like a man who looks at a manly man and gets off, but you guys are still masturbating over super feminine men at the end of the day that have cocks and no pussy and even if you look close at their face you can kind of tell it's a dude.

You guys are basically gay. Also calling these guys "girls" isn't going to make them actually girls or female.
They are dudes that are born a bit feminine and end up taking oestrogen most likely and many of them remove their testicles in surgery and they are basically the feminine homosexual play thing for gay men who are into tranny stuff.

You just had to be THAT guy? Mr. Know-It-All who thinks he's providing answers to questions nobody ever asked in the first place.
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No real gay guy ever watches newhalfs. Have you seen actual gay porn? Ultra masculine men only. Trans porn has almost exclusively a straight male audience.

That's why the Kinsey scale has 7 categories. It's not a black vs. white thing.

Edit: Btw, I think most people here pretty open and aware about their sexuality. They don't need any lecture or condescension.
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According to your distorted logic a masculine gay men isn't gay since he likes to fuck feminine gay men.

Sorry but liking to have sex with men is homosexual.
Being into trannies is not straight, no matter how much you try to tell yourself you are straight. Trannies are men, sorry.

Just as feminine lesbian women who are married to a butch lesbian are not straight women either, sorry about this inconvenience for you.
Can't handle reality honey?

You're calling people in this thread gay (opening up the thread in other words) which means you've obviously read all 4 pages because I don't see any arguing on this page and then you're searching dick pics to post in another thread.

Not sure why you need to run around bashing everyone. It's whatever... I'm not really a fan of this stuff but I don't see the point of going into a thread for something I don't like and mocking the people who do like it.
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