I have some exciting news! Over the coming days I'll be releasing
200 titles in
8 batches. Every title in these batches will be newly made and in the highest quality possible (
watermark free!) and distributed via torrents. These titles include requests, HD upgrades, and even some titles that have never been available before! Below is the complete list of the 200 titles that will be done. The vast majority of these titles are loli
Batch 1 (20)
ANIM-005 AOZ-173 AOZ-198 AOZ-200 AOZ-226 AOZ-240 AOZ-242 AOZ-245 APAA-194 APAA-196 APAA-246 APAA-298 APAA-299 APAK-069 APNH-010 ARMG-204 ATOM-225 AUKG-242 AUKG-272 AVOP-377
Batch 2 (26)
BCPV-084 BUY-009 CCX-043 CND-040 CND-045 CND-090 CND-092 CRPD-372 CTD-073 CTD-084 DDH-001 DIY-050 DJE-046 DSC-002 DSW-002 DVDES-481 DVDES-509 DVDES-543 DVDES-582 DVDES-609 DVDES-707 DVDES-751 DVDES-795 DVDES-804 DVDES-866 DVDES-929
Batch 3 (22)
EBOD-590 EC-120 EKDV-229 EKDV-234 EKDV-289 EKDV-348 GDTM-134 GENT-051 GG-151 GNP-010 HAR-054 HDI-001 HERN-002 HODV-20962 HRRB-003 HUNT-182 HUNT-325 HUNT-349 HUNT-432 HUNT-494 HUNT-988 HUNTA-020
Batch 4 (21)
IBW-350 IBW-383 IBW-385 IBW-396 IBW-401 IBW-411 IBW-413 IBW-444 IBW-452 IBW-474 IBW-483 IBW-495 IBW-503 IBW-512 IBW-569 IENE-058 IENE-106 IENE-197 IENE-271 IENE-441 IRCP-047
Batch 5 (28)
JUMP-1107 JUMP-1135 JUMP-2075 JUMP-2118 JUMP-3015 JUMP-5039 JUMP-5040 KATU-010 KDKJ-004 KTDS-789 KTDS-797 KTKZ-011 KUDK-033 LADY-104 LOL-037 LOL-131 LOVE-380 MDJY-012 MDTM-060 MDTM-063 MDTM-282 MIAD-807 MIMK-031 MOC-011 MOC-043 MOT-217 MRT-009 MVSD-246
Batch 6 (26
NHDT-726 NHDT-803 NHDT-809 NHDT-997 NHDTA-034 NHDTA-048 NHDTA-051 NHDTA-098 NHDTA-125 NHDTA-143 NHDTA-203 NHDTA-204 NHDTA-238 NHDTA-242 NHDTA-279 NHDTA-289 NHDTA-309 NHDTA-384 NHDTA-406 NHDTA-708 NHDTA-725 NHDTA-844 NISE-005 NISE-023 NISE-026 NNPJ-243
Batch 7 (33)
ORBK-003 PMP-197 PTS-349 RCT-378 RCT-510 RCT-754 REAL-422 REZD-162 RKI-101 SCOP-008 SCOP-335 SCR-057 SDDE-385 SDDE-432 SDMT-201 SDMT-202 SDMT-404 SDMT-486 SDMT-506 SDMT-561 SDMT-598 SDMT-625 SDMT-751 SDMT-856 SDMU-652 SDSI-010 SGCRS-053 SNIS-563 SNIS-706 SSPD-060 SVDVD-445 SW-143 SW-424
Batch 8 (24)
T28-332 T28-430 TASH-161 TASH-221 TGAV-015 TMCY-068 TMCY-083 TMHK-032 TUE-048 TYOD-300 ULT-129 ULT-159 URAD-099 VANDR-019 VRTM-007 VRXS-140 VSPDS-583 WANZ-053 WANZ-147 WNZS-122 WORLD-2009 WORLD-3003 WWW-032 ZUKO-112
search "
200映画ULTIMATEコレクション!! 最高品質のパック" to find these batches. Batches 1 - 4 have already been released, get them while they're still seeded! You will not find these titles in this quality anywhere else
(batch 5 coming later today)
here's a taste of the quality to expect from these releases. IBW-401 in HD..