Declining quality of the rips

Back in the day, Maxjav actually did his own rips, basically just removing the DRM from the original HD video from DMM/R18. Dunno how he gets his videos nowadays. Back then you could actually share your DMM account info with him and he would strip the DRM of any movie of your liking, as long as he could share the movie on his blog as well. That's how I got the DRM of a couple of my own videos removed. Unfortunatly that's not possible anymore. Ironically enough, if it was, I'd buy a whole bunch of movies legally. (Or just don't use DRM at all, but that's an entirely different discussion.)

And ding, you still don't mention's atrocious framerate, which makes you legit crazy.
What has happened to
I would say its a combination of different things. Im not sure, but for a week or two there, I didnt see a SINGLE new upload from them on nyaa. I started to worry. Maybe there is something larger at play here than what we know
Almost everything is up by that fucker dioguitar, now he even includes fucking QQ ads(a Chinese social software).

If you want new stuff download his crap, if you can wait, then Thz is your next best stop, if you're really patient then wait for RUNBKK and pray he uploads what you need. This is the current situation as far as I know, unless someone knows a private source.

BTW,users on a Chinese forum is also getting piss about dioguitar with his shitty watermarks and ads.

The JAV scene is ruin by greedy Chinese. dioguitar is also fucking with uncensored JAV and mainstream western porn now.
Still makes me tilt my head to see all the comments on this subject. The best quality and ad/watermark free content available is out there waiting to be had. You just have to buy it! Otherwise, this sense of entitlement to pristine FREE JAV just boggles old Casshern2's mind. I see no one stepping up to provide anything to others whatsoever, just rips (no pun intended) on "the scene" and how bad it is. You'll just have to take what's out there, I'm afraid. There is no governing body here or anywhere that will listen to your gripes and act on it to make things better for you.

There are only two types of JAV fan, really...


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While some of the demands and complaining can be a bit ridiculous, I do think the attitude of some of the people ripping or stealing from others who rip can be a bit obnoxious too.

I try to buy what I watch and when I can't do that... I'll trade titles. The last resort is to download the video from somewhere it has been ripped. I also wish DRM was a lot less punishing. When you look at all the ripping that still happens you have to wonder if there has been any benefit to most media companies treating the average viewer like a potential criminal.
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what do you guyz expect from free stuff!
As it has been said before...but people still don't listen and DL from any source.thus driving away the good sources
For no-watermark uncensored stuff...look for posts by 'NEROZ' on Sukebei
For no-watermark censored stuff..of course 'RUNBKK' his 1080p vids come in MKV or WMV and if theres an 1080p pack there'll be a 720p/480p pack too of the same vids
interestingly if ya google RUNBKK..he or they are a Thai rap group like BKK is also known as Bangkok
Other no-watermark censored stuff is being posted by 'OFFKAB' i n's not the original torrent he's getting them from another source, its usually marked FHD and it says no watermark. It comes in MKV or MP4 files
old torrents like 720p avi/mp4 with no watermarks came from KG999/GODHEAD/BearBBs
Some posters are putting up THZ torrents as FHD..but they're not so don't be fooled
And ding, you still don't mention's atrocious framerate, which makes you legit crazy.
Nope. 99.9% of rips play fine on my Atom-based set-top box in my bedroom. I don't think I will ever get a big screen 4k TV in my bedroom so mostly the hardware (Atom PC, 600Mbps cat-5 cable) will stay the same. Which means thzla-level of quality (1080p FHD, 2ch audio, no playback issue) is perfect. Talk about ridiculous demand, I really don't understand why porn (US) need to be in 4k.

Like I said I am really mystified why thzla rips are so hated.

Recently I got a few thzla rips with a minor glitch, a few mins into it, a player control UI (Play/Pause, FF, Rev etc) would pops up for a second. To me it seems they are using a digital recorder off an HDMI cable. Where do they source it? Could be digital or even BluRay disc (someone might have touched the remote control or the mouse (but no mouse cursor was visible during the glitch). Either way, it's recorded off a video feed, not ripped and decrypted. Also most likely they are using commercial recorder, not needing any tech skillz.

+1 @Casshern2 if I don't like certain release group, I just don't download them, if someone offer better alternative I am interested (should check out Sukebei again). But blaming greedy Chinese... who's asking for your opinion?? If dioguitar (yellow text) can successful invade/pollute uncensored and western, they are just being smart to exploit weakness of the "scene" ( dead and now thzla dying). Just like we win in your puny trade war MUAHAHHAHAHAH
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Have to put up with dioguitar release for my oppai fix. (thanks to offkab)

What can be worse than (formerly) yellow text watermark? Blurring out the original legit DMM watermark before putting on a new annoying illegit watermark.

Julia lost a nipple.

Makes me thzla crazy.
Playing thz files is not the problem, the files are fine, their problem is when they record. Dropped frames is when your screen capture cant keep up with what its recording and instead of recording the next frame or inserting black it just reuses the last frame until its ready to record again. All you have to do is open a thz file click frame by frame or slow it down in VLC to see how it randomly pauses on a frame much longer than others before jumping ahead in a jerky motion. I try to "fix" thz stuff by converting them to 60fps but because so many frames are missing it interprets the motion wrong and produces back and forth juddering.
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Anyone up to the challenge of showing those dumbtwits of how proper capturing is done by investing in high end hardwares and not slapping any watermarks on the end product ?

Problem is there are no honour amongst those theives and they will steal those perfect rips and claim it as their own. It had been done before by them see :-

I remember those dioguitar23 twats! I'm pretty sure those parasites get their stuff for free as well. they were mostly "refugees" from an old taiwanese board called Waikeung BBS. not sure about these days, but they used to leech from two incarnations of a japanese board: Alabout, which back in 2006-2009 were mostly japanese, and ocassionally taiwanese posters who post their own rips.

I spent most of my time on their old board until the same clueless fuckwits invaded and started re-encoding stuff that was posted there and usually via ad/revenue generated links. the whole situation got so bad even the admins couldn't deal with it. Many rippers consequently either slapped their OWN name on it or they just gave up, like i did.

In contrast, nobody who post EU/US AV releases on EU/US torrent sites does the same thing!
I see no one stepping up to provide anything to others whatsoever

"200映画ULTIMATEコレクション!! 最高品質のパック"
Over the coming days I'll be releasing 200 titles in 8 batches. Every title in these batches will be newly made and in the highest quality possible (watermark free!). These titles include requests, HD upgrades, and even some titles that have never been available before! Below is the complete list of the 200 titles that will be done.

Batch 1 (20)
ANIM-005 AOZ-173 AOZ-198 AOZ-200 AOZ-226 AOZ-240 AOZ-242 AOZ-245 APAA-194 APAA-196 APAA-246 APAA-298 APAA-299 APAK-069 APNH-010 ARMG-204 ATOM-225 AUKG-242 AUKG-272 AVOP-377

Batch 2 (26)
BCPV-084 BUY-009 CCX-043 CND-040 CND-045 CND-090 CND-092 CRPD-372 CTD-073 CTD-084 DDH-001 DIY-050 DJE-046 DSC-002 DSW-002 DVDES-481 DVDES-509 DVDES-543 DVDES-582 DVDES-609 DVDES-707 DVDES-751 DVDES-795 DVDES-804 DVDES-866 DVDES-929

Batch 3 (22)
EBOD-590 EC-120 EKDV-229 EKDV-234 EKDV-289 EKDV-348 GDTM-134 GENT-051 GG-151 GNP-010 HAR-054 HDI-001 HERN-002 HODV-20962 HRRB-003 HUNT-182 HUNT-325 HUNT-349 HUNT-432 HUNT-494 HUNT-988 HUNTA-020

Batch 4 (21)
IBW-350 IBW-383 IBW-385 IBW-396 IBW-401 IBW-411 IBW-413 IBW-444 IBW-452 IBW-474 IBW-483 IBW-495 IBW-503 IBW-512 IBW-569 IENE-058 IENE-106 IENE-197 IENE-271 IENE-441 IRCP-047

Batch 5 (28)
JUMP-1107 JUMP-1135 JUMP-2075 JUMP-2118 JUMP-3015 JUMP-5039 JUMP-5040 KATU-010 KDKJ-004 KTDS-789 KTDS-797 KTKZ-011 KUDK-033 LADY-104 LOL-037 LOL-131 LOVE-380 MDJY-012 MDTM-060 MDTM-063 MDTM-282 MIAD-807 MIMK-031 MOC-011 MOC-043 MOT-217 MRT-009 MVSD-246

Batch 6 (26)
NHDT-726 NHDT-803 NHDT-809 NHDT-997 NHDTA-034 NHDTA-048 NHDTA-051 NHDTA-098 NHDTA-125 NHDTA-143 NHDTA-203 NHDTA-204 NHDTA-238 NHDTA-242 NHDTA-279 NHDTA-289 NHDTA-309 NHDTA-384 NHDTA-406 NHDTA-708 NHDTA-725 NHDTA-844 NISE-005 NISE-023 NISE-026 NNPJ-243

Batch 7 (33)
ORBK-003 PMP-197 PTS-349 RCT-378 RCT-510 RCT-754 REAL-422 REZD-162 RKI-101 SCOP-008 SCOP-335 SCR-057 SDDE-385 SDDE-432 SDMT-201 SDMT-202 SDMT-404 SDMT-486 SDMT-506 SDMT-561 SDMT-598 SDMT-625 SDMT-751 SDMT-856 SDMU-652 SDSI-010 SGCRS-053 SNIS-563 SNIS-706 SSPD-060 SVDVD-445 SW-143 SW-424

Batch 8 (24)
T28-332 T28-430 TASH-161 TASH-221 TGAV-015 TMCY-068 TMCY-083 TMHK-032 TUE-048 TYOD-300 ULT-129 ULT-159 URAD-099 VANDR-019 VRTM-007 VRXS-140 VSPDS-583 WANZ-053 WANZ-147 WNZS-122 WORLD-2009 WORLD-3003 WWW-032 ZUKO-112
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"200映画ULTIMATEコレクション!! 最高品質のパック"
I meant I see no one that is griping stepping up, to be sure.

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Supply follows demand. People keep downloading low quality, watermarked files, rewarding those that upload them, and so low quality, watermarked files is what we get. You don't like them? THEN STOP DOWNLOADING THEM.
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Supply follows demand. People keep downloading low quality, watermarked files, rewarding those that upload them, and so low quality, watermarked files is what we get. You don't like them? THEN STOP DOWNLOADING THEM.
It's ironic when you think about it. For example, people are buying the lastest iPhone asap but watch and record shitty quality videos with it. It's like having a Ferrari with a Ford motor inside.
You need to understand what is availability and accessibility.

I know who is NIKE... those were the days.

Maybe I am a simple person. I'm fine with SD and yellow/white watermark on the left/right. Those are ads. I don't have 100 TB of space. Nor I have 100 GB connection. I normally look for the lowest size.

So yea, feel free to blame me.
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man those guyz at have destroyed the FHDMP4 torrents with their huge watermarks on both can't find anymore un-watermarked FHDMP4

which are different from thz they make thz watermarks look like heaven
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