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  • Hi there. I love this forum. I just posted in U-15 Idol Downloads
    My post is not a sticky at the top of the thread, even though its the very latest video [IMBD-286]

    How do I fix this?

    Also I posted it again by mistake because I didnt see the post at the top of the thread
    So I guess 2 things need to be done - first to move one post up to the top and then to delete the second one

    Thanks so much
    This site has been through a lot since I have been here. We have had our differences, you and I (hey I am a cantankerous, opinionated bastard of questionable sanity, so that is expected), and I thought you almost forgot about us there for a minute. But you really came through and pulled this forum back together. Thank you for all that you do here and all you have done.

    I still got luv for ya bro,
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