Little Chucky
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  • So what is your favorite "Chucky" movie? I mean you can't beat the first one but the first three of the series are all pretty excellent. Not Oscar quality perhaps but enjoyable. The other sequels were alright too, "Bride of Chucky" is kinda a classic but the stories were better in the first three, IMO.
    I can't believe my posts got deleted in the Je Suis Charlie thread, a post or two of yours as well. I can understand if our posts get deleted when we break the rules but I didn't break any of them. It is not as if Japan has never been hit with terrorists attacks for no sensible reason. I thought the whole thread was relevant. Pissed me off that did. So if you don't see me around much, you know why.
    Little Chucky
    Little Chucky
    Please don't be angry about what CoolKevin did. I don't think he removed the reply's because of what we wrote but because someone ( don't know his name) made it into a (ranting) political discussion. and apparantly CoolKevin doesn't want that in akiba-online and to clean the whole topic he removed all reply's
    Maybe sent Coolkevin a message and ask an explenation?
    oh I sent coolkevin apm alright and he should have sent me an explanation before he deleted my posts or at least after. It is ironic really, I quit being a mod here because they wouldn't let me delete inflammatory posts that broke the rules and now my posts got deleted when they break no rules whatsoever. fucking bullshit, that is what it is.
    rooting for anyone in the playoffs?
    not an NFL fan huh? all my teams lost already so I probably won't watch the Superbowl. Later.
    Little Chucky
    Little Chucky
    Sorry that i didn't respond sooner
    I assumed you knew i'm from a european country
    as such i don't know much about american sports and so i was confused when you asked me about the playoffs.
    No, you had me fooled, I thought you were from the US of A. I am also a big fan of the "Chucky" films ( I am a huge horror movie fan), didn't know they were a big thing outside the states. American football and MMA are about all the sports I watch, they are the last of the gladitorial games, (though I might sometimes be caught watching womens tennis, lot of hotties in that sport).
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