Recent content by BryM139

  1. BryM139

    Need help finding this beauty

    OMG Thank you! I had given up on trying to find her! :peace:
  2. BryM139

    Need help finding this beauty

    Can anyone tell me what video she's in? She's supposed to be in SIRO-2837 but I've watched the video and she's not in it. Her name is Amida (あみだ), perhaps she goes by another name? Found her on these sites:
  3. BryM139

    What games are you playing?

    Started playing Fallout 4 again since mods came out on PS4. Was playing attack on titan wings of freedom, need to get back to that.
  4. BryM139

    Help me with her name. Beauty Uniform Gal

    Her name is Minato Shizuka (みなもとしずか), she also seems to go by Miu/Miwa Asaka (朝香美羽) The video is ZKKK-03