Recent content by Gamer22

  1. G

    What games are you playing?

    I haven't play any of the fallout games but I am interested inchecking out Fallout 4 though lol
  2. G

    Requesting ID help on cute actress

    Wow, aren't you awesome, thank you very much! That title was very misleading haha.
  3. G

    What games are you playing?

    Currently still playing witcher 3, one of the best RPGs I have ever played, might go over 100+hours before I even finish it haha.
  4. G

    Requesting ID help on cute actress

    Hello, since I have not been able to id this cute actress, I have come before the experts for help. I've tried looking around but it's been a challenge and I don't think it's mei kusakabe (The title is very misleding). Any information would help, thank you in advance...