Recent content by JetTee

  1. J

    fellatio on a man against his will

    GRCH-260, reverse investigator movie. Also GRCH-234.
  2. J

    Gripe of the month

    My gripe is kind of related to yours. I hate films where there is a female antagonist who gets her hands on the heroine then disappears out of the movie so generic dudes can fuck her. Happens in so many GIGA movies it is almost impossible to count. Case in point, IPX 849, where Anna Kami's...
  3. J

    JAV stars who did mainstream media. No idea what they were thinking trying to get this to work in ultra-conservative straight laced Korea but A+ for effort.
  4. J

    Lesbian JAV

    1. IESP 695 2. STARS 625 3. NHDTB 723 4. LZDM 056 5. BBAN 363 Tried to put some different companies up there, but honorable mentions to IESP 707 & 704 (Yes, these movies all follow exactly the same formula, the formula damn sure works for me!), BBAN 396 (These two BBANs were a toss up tbh)...
  5. J

    akiba resident JAV subtitlers & subtitle talk★NOT A SUB REQUEST THREAD★

    Hopefully someone can help me out here as I'm tearing my hair out over this one. I've used pyTranscriber to get some basic translations/timestamps on a video, but after getting it to work once every single subsequent .srt file it churns out is blank. It produces .txt files just fine. Any...