Recent content by puripuri16

  1. puripuri16

    Immersive 3D Content and Enthusiasts (oh boy...)

    If you have plenty of money,then buy high spec PC and VivePro. If you have galaxy S8,then GearVR is best. If you have PS4,then PSVR is best. If you don't have above systems but $200, then oculus go is best. if you have nothing but smartphone then VR goggles (cheap one is enough).
  2. puripuri16

    Immersive 3D Content and Enthusiasts (oh boy...)

    Thank you very much! You are the man! also thank you for VRSBMO-1134.
  3. puripuri16

    Immersive 3D Content and Enthusiasts (oh boy...)

    REQUESTING: This series seems so nice and user reviews are good as well. 【VR】Aが好きです 堀川麻衣 【VR】告白的体験トーク 小島裕子 no hard-core sex scene but no...
  4. puripuri16

    [RG][AVI] Chiasa Aonuma 青沼ちあさ 素肌の雫

    It's works this time Thank you so much!!
  5. puripuri16

    [RG][AVI] Chiasa Aonuma 青沼ちあさ 素肌の雫

    thanks a lot but CRCerror!! >_< plz fix it.