Recent content by sally82

  1. sally82

    Gokkun/Cum-Swallowing: The Deepers Jelly Series (DJE).

    DJE-045 is up. Enjoy and please make an effort to seed.
  2. sally82

    [HD DJE-045] 熟シャッ!! 熟女を溺愛するカタチ 風間ゆみ (6.46GB mkv)

    Title: 熟シャッ!! 熟女を溺愛するカタチ/Milf Bukkake Mature Shower Actress: 風間ゆみ/Kazama Yumi Manufacturer: Waap Series: Deepers Jelly Catalog Number: DJE-045 Release Date: 2015-02-19 Running Time: 122 minutes File Format: mkv File Size: 6.46GB Screens: This is the HD version of this gokkun/bukkake movie...
  3. sally82

    Gokkun/Cum-Swallowing: The Deepers Jelly Series (DJE).

    DJE-049 60FPS 1080p is 24GB--a fucking monster of a file, but ... then there are those crucial close-ups where you plunge into Abeno Miku's twisted soul. Worth every byte if you ask me. I'll upload it and those who want it will download it. No harm done. So the current list now runs as follows...
  4. sally82

    Gokkun/Cum-Swallowing: The Deepers Jelly Series (DJE).

    DJE-043 is now available. Please seed. If anyone has an HD version of LOVE-086 and is willing to share it would be awesome. Check this out:
  5. sally82

    [HD DJE043] 半年前まで処女だったあの娘が、精子飲む。 芦田知子 (5.19GB mkv)

    Title: 半年前まで処女だったあの娘が、精子飲む。 Actress: 芦田知子/Ashida Tomoko Manufacturer: Waap Series: Deepers Jelly Catalog Number: DJE-043 Release Date: 2014-12-16 Running Time: 120 minutes File Format: mkv File Size: 5.19GB Screens: This is the HD version of this gokkun movie. It was originally purchased as...
  6. sally82

    Gokkun/Cum-Swallowing: The Deepers Jelly Series (DJE).

    OK, so the list of upcoming torrents: DJE-043 (cover immediately above--look at those eyes) DJE-045 (cover in post 3) DJE-003 (cover above) DJE-009 (featuring the very slutty Reo--she's in DJE-008 also)
  7. sally82

    Gokkun/Cum-Swallowing: The Deepers Jelly Series (DJE).

    Haruna Hana finally left S1. She did a few Tameike Goro and a Be Free recently. So it's possible. As I say, it would depend on the director. She did a cum shoot with S1, but it's so-so--not so much because of her but because of the whole context; the guys don't seem to know what to do, so they...
  8. sally82

    Gokkun/Cum-Swallowing: The Deepers Jelly Series (DJE).

    From DJE-024 through DJE-045, all my files are HD 60FPS 720p; and from DJE-046 onwards, FHD 60FPS 1080p. In other words, I no longer have SD versions of those movies. From DJE-001 through DJE-023, the files are SD 60FPS 480p except for DJE-020, which was re-issued by Waap as a 720p HD movie...
  9. sally82

    [HD DJE-036] AV卒業を記念して大堀香奈ちゃんの自宅で勝手にごっくん撮影会 大堀香奈 (4.57GB mkv)

    Title: AV卒業を記念して大堀香奈ちゃんの自宅で勝手にごっくん撮影会/ GoodBye & Gokkun Actress: 大堀香奈/Ohori Kana Manufacturer: Waap Series: Deepers Jelly Catalog Number: DJE-036 Release Date: 2013-10-13 Running Time: 120 minutes File Format: mkv File Size: 4.57GB Screens: This is the HD version of this gokkun movie. As far...
  10. sally82

    Gokkun/Cum-Swallowing: The Deepers Jelly Series (DJE).

    Greetings gokkun-obsessed friends ! This thread should be an opportunity for us gokkun enthusiasts to discuss our favourite DJE moments, scenes, actresses, etc. It can also function as a base for requesting missing and/or hard-to-find DJE torrents--I have every single title from DJE-001 through...
  11. sally82

    [HD DJE-020] ゴックン秘密基地 弘前亮子 (6.31GB mkv)

    I'm at the share ratio level and will stop seeding this file. You guys should take over.
  12. sally82

    [HD DJE-040] ゴックン秘密基地 星川麻紀

    I see this discussion took place yesterday. I missed it completely. I hope I have resolved the issue--there is no difference whatsoever in saturation between the SD and HD versions. The difference you see comes from my own choice of degree of saturation. It stays this way because that's how it's...
  13. sally82

    [HD DJE-040] ゴックン秘密基地 星川麻紀

    See my reply immediately above. The HD version has the same saturation as the SD version. When I play the movie I deliberately use much less saturation simply because I prefer it that way. It's more natural. You can adjust saturation in your player if you want more vivid colours.
  14. sally82

    [HD DJE-040] ゴックン秘密基地 星川麻紀

    No, it's deliberate. That's how I use saturation--a personal preference. You can always adjust saturation to your own preference in the player you're using.
  15. sally82

    [HD DJE-020] ゴックン秘密基地 弘前亮子 (6.31GB mkv)

    Good to know. Thanks LSJ !