Recent content by tnmm520

  1. T

    [R]全力黒髪少女 碧海ゆあ(JSSJ-090-DS)

    This one may have been withdrawn from JSSJ series - does anyone have a torrent link for it?
  2. T

    Who she is?

    If you mean "Who is she?" just do a Google image search - she's called Miki-chan (みきちゃん) on this video.
  3. T

    [DF|RS] [] Yuuri Shiina 椎名ゆな Special Gallery MOVIE 01 [97.31MB]

    椎名ゆな The last two hiragana characters are Yuna, not Yuuri. Nice post, anyway.
  4. T

    [HF.COM] INARI game ! very funny..

    What program do you use to open all these files? There is no ISO file that I can find. Is it playable on a Windows PC? Thanks! :please:
  5. T

    Who is this delectable morsel?

    Any ideas? Search of photo numbers here and Google no-go.
  6. T

    Young Champion Idol Carnival 2010 Vol.3 3D Movie Special

    Multi-upload and decent sized files. Thank you very much! :happy: ...but FYI torrent link leads to a different file (Shibuyashoten)
  7. T

    [GARO-020] (RS) [IV] 七海なな - 妹ななみ [AVI]

    #4 expired?? A shame - this is a little classic.
  8. T

    ID Please

    Have a look at this thread. Series discontinued, sadly, but you can still find them here:
  9. T

    Things that piss you off.

    CAR HORNS!! I live in a south-east Asian country and have lived in three other (mostly north) Asian countries. Why do people drive with their horns for any reason? Pedestrians legally on a crossing, motorcycles in front, overtaking, undertaking, ad nauseum. Have they no concept of noise...
  10. T

    Kana1 - Who is she?

    Damn...OK, but don't they need a model to start from? :giveup::giveup:
  11. T

    Kana1 - Who is she?

    This girl was misidentified as a thumbnail in the following post: The writing on the picture is Chinese, not Japanese, but she could be either. The website reference ( doesn't help either. Another member suggested...
  12. T

    Very hot and pretty Hong Kong teen audition : Must See !!

    Lin Si Yee! Thought she'd retired.
  13. T

    PC game question

    Thanks in advance - the games are "Hako" (Illusion), and Noesis Marble Bloomers. Both are big files. I've downloaded Daemon Tools and Alcohol 120% and tried all manner of combinations with them but ... zilch. What program do we open them with?
  14. T

    PC game question

    Yes, yes, yes! We all have to start somewhere and the highly technical advice in some forums only confuses newbies. What do we have to do to play a downloaded H-game from this site?
  15. T

    PC game question

    I second that question - I've got heaps of file folders from downloaded games via torrents or direct downloads but not the ghost of a notion of what to do with them. Google searches only confuse and confound the problem. A step-by-step simple how-to would be a million-seller. Thanks in advance.