Recent content by Yorin2

  1. Yorin2

    JavLuv JAV Browser

    I like the idea of being able to add JAV clips to JavLuv. What I sometimes do to save on disk space, is cut a specific scene from a movie and keep only that. I also have random JAV clips that I like (e.g. user created compilations and such). It would be nice to be able to add those to JavLuv...
  2. Yorin2

    Download dead/slow torrents with PikPak - a game changer

    I noticed today that is offline (at least for me). Anybody else noticed the same? I hope this is just a temporary issue and not the end of this great service.
  3. Yorin2

    Download dead/slow torrents with PikPak - a game changer

    What the hell indeed, this is like magic! I tried it yesterday and was blown away by the ease at which I could download long dead torrents and fill some holes in my movie collection. I went ahead and got platinum (used Paypal for this without issue) and have been downloading non-stop. I just was...
  4. Yorin2

    Sharing my Ai Hongo's Movie Trailers

    This is really good. I have just been binge watching your trailers. Looking forward to new additions and can appreciate the work that goes into making these! I particularly like the trailer for SSIS-996, a great movie in general (Ai Hongo really shines in this one), but also your best work to...
  5. Yorin2

    How and where I download and collect JAV

    I've been collecting JAV for about 15 years. My collection stands at just over 1.000 titles. 50% consists of S1, Moodyz and Prestige titles (my taste is pretty vanilla). These days I manage my collection using JavLuv exclusively. I do still go through the trouble of adding coverart to the video...
  6. Yorin2

    JavLuv JAV Browser

    Does anybody know what the term "Grimosa" is referring to in genre? I see that JavLuv attaches this term to some of my content, but even after some Googling I'm still unsure of what it is referring to. It is not a field that is scraped from JAVLibrary (my go-to site for info on JAV titles).
  7. Yorin2

    JavLuv JAV Browser

    Hi TmpGuy. In the latest version of JavLuv I have to scan a folder twice to have a newly added movie visible in the JavLuv database. After the initial scan the movie doesn't appear in the list. When I check the folder I can see the the .nfo file has been created correctly, but it will only show...
  8. Yorin2

    JavLuv JAV Browser

    I keep movies in a single folder and JavLuv works just fine. I use a consistent naming structure (Actress/Movie ID) for the movie, subtitles and cover art and then I can scan folders with hundreds of movies no problem.
  9. Yorin2

    JavLuv JAV Browser

    Hi TmpGuy! After some naming clean-up (first name, last name or vice versa) and merging of actresses I have now ended up with some names without movies. Is there a way to delete these entries without going in the actress XML and manually deleting the corresponding lines? I have meddled with the...
  10. Yorin2

    JavLuv JAV Browser

    Please do, I'm always willing to learn something new.
  11. Yorin2

    JavLuv JAV Browser

    Every movie in my collection gets converted to .mp4 without re-encoding. You should look into using ffmpeg from the command line. Pretty much all the video converters out there have ffmpeg "under the hood" but it is very easy to use from the command line yourself. I use ffmpeg to change the...
  12. Yorin2

    JavLuv JAV Browser

    I just wanted to chime in again with saying how much I like the current version of JavLuv and the features that were implemented recently. Javluv is the only way I view my library of almost 900 titles. It looks great, performs great and I very much enjoy using it to manage my JAV collection. I...
  13. Yorin2

    JavLuv JAV Browser

    This seems to have worked just fine. My actress image folder was halved to about 1.100 images. With an actress database containing 617 names, this seems about right. I am also not spotting any obvious duplicates as I scroll through the folder, and I haven't lost any user uploaded images in the...
  14. Yorin2

    JavLuv JAV Browser

    No, it was the result of just adding a new movie. I was in the actress view and used the "scan movies" option.
  15. Yorin2

    JavLuv JAV Browser

    I added multiple images myself (4 to be precise) and deleted the ones (2 images) that JavLuv put up after the initial scan. Afterwards all my own images were gone and two new images appeared, neither of which I had added myself. I suspect the new images were the same as after the initial scan...