Recent content by Zhaylambar

  1. Zhaylambar

    Nozomi Takada 高田のぞみ

    Use a forwarding service. I recommend Blackship. When I was in Japan last summer I saw some eroge releases that came out once I was already outside, yet I really wanted the pre-order bonuses and I reserved and got them by using them, it's extremly cheap and their service is great. Here is...
  2. Zhaylambar

    Luna Amemiya 雨宮留菜

    Purchased it on Mandarake, I made the ISO and extracted the files from VIDEO_TS. Edit: I never ripped a DVD before so I was confused after seeing this, at first I had trouble making the ISO and copying the files from VIDEO_TS, the image looked glitchy, then I found out about protection and...
  3. Zhaylambar

    Luna Amemiya 雨宮留菜

    These look interesting! I've already uploaded the DVD: I just made a couple torrents before for two eroge and didn't know anything about trackers so I think these couldn't be downloaded properly. Now I don't...
  4. Zhaylambar

    [Guild-171] 雨宮留菜 (Luna Amemiya)「従順彼女」(ISO & Video Files)

    Title: 従順彼女 Actress: Luna Amemiya 雨宮留菜 Catalog Number: Guild-171 Release Date: 2018-03-22 Running Time: 115 minutes File Format: ISO & VOB files File Size: 8.13GB
  5. Zhaylambar

    Luna Amemiya 雨宮留菜

    Oh cool, they're pretty cheap. I'll buy these latter. I really wanted to find the Zombie one, I saw the first 3 because Riri Kouda was there and I love her. And I saw this was some kind of spin off they made after the first trilogy featuring Luna. These always show bare breasts for all female...
  6. Zhaylambar

    Luna Amemiya 雨宮留菜

    Cool! The DVD I ordered stated since 23th it was "Processing at delivery Post Office", normally when I see this I would get it the same or next day, but it delayed for some reason. Finally it says it's being delievered so I'll have it today~ I've never extracted data from a DVD but I don't think...
  7. Zhaylambar

    Luna Amemiya 雨宮留菜

    Thanks desioner and Runa for the replies! I don't have the DVD yet but it should be home tomorrow.
  8. Zhaylambar

    Luna Amemiya 雨宮留菜

    Does anyone have access/torrent to any of the DeepRed releases? I've watched their Youtube streamings and I think they make her already sexy body (and plump breasts) look even more explosive and amazing. I got totally obsessed with how she looks in these but I can't find them, so I don't know if...