Drunk Girls


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2015
A concept with incredible potential, not completely lacking by any means in titles exploring it, but at least in my experience, often underwhelming.

So~ share your favorites in the area. There's certainly something hot about either guys grabbing random girls or getting the long desired, unattainable girl while she's feeling free.

Some many different scenarios are possible~

Two I've enjoyed~



The always cute Aoi Tsukasa gets drunk with (of course) co-workers, and ends up being thoroughly enjoyed by everyone in attendance. It starts with the younger man in the bathroom, moves into the restaurant, and in my favorite flourish, she even ends up going home with the old, lecherous boss, who has her sucking him off in the cab, until he gets her home and shares her with a friend? roommate? (one assumes a successful man at his age lives alone, but this guy is somehow just lying in wait. ha!)


Not much of a plot here, just guys picking up girls far past their limit. Haven't watched in a good while, but found it pretty hot 'back in the day'.

More pictures to come~ doing screen caps of both titles when I'm home and have access to ye old external.

In the mean time~ hope everyone shares some other good entries into an underused concept!
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I didn't feel it fair for Restrepo's thread to be so rudely ignored, so let me see if I may pump some life into it.

Just a random pick... but with a favorite actress. (I haven't seen this one... but... cannot go wrong with Reiko/Honami.)

Semen-Gulping Alcohol-Consuming Beautiful Lady [MIDI-0012], starring Honami Takasaka (Reiko Sawamura)


Looks like there was a series behind this (which R18 has called, "Drunk Princess"), back in 2009... just one other movie, with Rin Serizawa.

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Thanks for the attempt~ perhaps part of the reason for the thread's early death was my failure to deliver the promised pictures~

In any case~ I assume there are numerous options out there~

My hopeful favorites being drunk girls being picked up by guys they likely wouldn't normally be caught with.

I've also seen the drunk female boss theme here and there.

I actually just caught one of these the other day, had nearly forgotten this thread, I'll try to dig it up. (Not promising this time, my absent-mindedness is a powerful force)
arlow first post after a short trip and with a bad dead pc , finally fixed my pc!! now can write some wall of text again. (>.<) dun filter me!!

I saw this drunk thread a while bad but couldn't post while busy. I always find drunk theme quite interesting. Personally the reason I feel hard to post too is while drunk gals theme are common , the range of category it covers is actually quite grey. Not sure what type of category would be popular.... mm
Firstly drunk theme can be categorized into like
1) full KO drunk
2) fake KO drunk (with moans and sucking)
3) alcohol incapacitated (aware but helpless NC)
4) alcohol induced sexually excitement

1) Full KO drunk

Examples who consist this series


Basically the gals here are really KO..... responses are minimal or almost non existent. Mostly these are crimes of opportunities series , and while the most realistic , the gals are quite dead fish literally. And for some reason , alot of these videos are always badly lit and poor quality (maybe to emphasize it aint staged and really stumbled upon?) . They don't have much of a backstory. Usually compilation of just short segments. Once the deed is done , lights out , next scene.Usually these vids have some kinda of bad design cover , either too simple or very messy.

But once in a while u find this category in story production like NSPS-018 from nagae style like Nanako Yoshioka who went to hot spring type inn and got herself drunk and NTR by guys. Theres a backstory and what make it interesting is the NTR element coupled with the totally KO scene.

NSPS-018-1.jpg We all know the scene.... NTR alert!!! But I guess poor hubby don't really watch NTR JAVs.

NSPS-018-2.jpg Right....... thats what you SHOULD absolutely do in these circumstances.

NSPS-018-3.jpg Wife is a dead fish but the husband aint but he is making the scene interesting tbh.

2)2) fake KO drunk (with moans and sucking)
This type are more common and frankly more interesting if you are into crimes of opportunities but don't really like dead fish. Usually these are mainstream actresses who are too dedicated to be just dead fishes. If you are into drugged or drunk KO girls you will be all too familiar with "unconscious" gals moaning during sex or automatically goes into suction mode when a dick is slipped into their mouth.
e.g in http://www.dmm.co.jp/digital/videoa/-/detail/=/cid=ure00033

URE-033-1.jpg Thats quite a suction for someone passed out...

URE-033-2.jpg Okie ... no way I am buying she is passed out..

In some drunk KO vids , the KO girls can actually "cowboy" the guy. Well those are really too much for me.

For these category , search for drunk scenes acted out by non amateurs actresses and well known productions house like Naturalhigh. They will be too honorable and dedicated to just give u a dead fish scene for a passed out theme. That will be a rip off right?
And I would recommend AVOP-059 for Yu Kawakami , I have posted a review in https://www.akiba-online.com/threads/movie-review-areolas.1608186/#post-3222833
She balanced the line with credibility between passed out and reluctant moanings quite well during her drunk scenes. Not to mention a story too!!!

3) alcohol incapacitated (aware but helpless NC)

This genre usually start with the victim getting drunk then the protagonist slip up on the drunk victim and touching her , eventually waking her up but somehow she is powerless (weakened by alcohol???) to stop him. This is usually compilations and the compilations could include cat 2 type of drunk

A very good series of this cat is


Scr-043-1.jpg Drunk phase

Scr-043-2.jpg KO attack phase

Scr-043-3.jpg Helpless attack phase

Its quite hard to balanced the "weakened by alcohol" yet produced enough resistance line. Swing either ways , u got a dead fish , or just an attacker gag.

4) alcohol induced sexually excitement

I believe this is more on the thread theme. This category usually simply mean the alcohol makes otherwise normal girls horny or lower their sexual inhibitions. Not NC as above category.

Tbh this is the category I got the most interest and most disappointment. Because alot of the vids is this category doesn't have a before and after. I would prefer like a prude wife, cautious OL or a serious boss etc setting. However most of the vids start with drinking as if she knew she would going to get gangbang later on. And then poof sex ensues. More like a high school girl trying to fit in with a hip crowd. Tbh , most of the vids I seen with this cat can just do away with the alcohol , the girls are amorous enough without the drinks. So basically I given up on this category. Will appreciate if anyone got good post on it though.. My hopes always there!!
good post by Kessari ;)

basically I don't like drunk girl theme, because full KO drunk -> the girl is very passive, fake KO drunk -> its look unrealistic, and oftenly in real life drunk mean they will puke, its disgusting
MIAD-812 Drunken Ass Anal Sister Aoi Shirosaki

This vid can easily earn top 10 position on so many lists: it's a top loli vid, a top anal vid, a top gangbang vid and of course a top, if not THE top drunk girl vid. Click above link for my too-long post about the vid and the cover.

That vid is so good, my partner still ask me once in a while, "has that drunk girl made any new vids?"

Drunk girls is a great premise that doesn't earn enough attention by both the fans and studio/director. It's often used a minor (nearly forgotten) plot device in combination with onsen (hot spring) or "South Country" (i.e. tropical island, i.e. Okinawa). But I'd like to see it much more prominent in combination with all kinds of theme, e.g. orgy, harem, gangbang, cuckold, anal, bukkake, public sex, etc.
A masterful dissertation by Kessari... beautifully done.

I am so impressed by the breakdown. It was... necessary. (See, there is an "art" to the drunk girl genre.)

I always pass up the "dead fish" ones; in fact, I almost kinda hate them. The rare type of KO'ed victim I prefer is when the lady is aware of what is going on, as the example with one of my favorite ladies, Miina Ichinose, in Anesthetized a Neighbor and Rendered Her Body a Puppet [FAA-005], which I had mentioned in the short-lived JAV Where Girls Are Fully Awake but Cannot Move thread. 'Course, there is no alcohol incapacitation, so it belongs in a different category. If alcohol was involved, this would have belonged in Kessari's "3) Alcohol Incapacitated (Aware but Helpless NC)" category, although the women there are not completely paralyzed below the neck, and still can move around.


That would be Baldie on the right, up to no good in NSPS118; ladies sure look good in this one.

While searching for where I had made reference to the above movie, I came across another short-lived thread ("Sleeping , Drugged , Unconscious"), where I made this comment about the only other recommendation: "...NSPS-118 (Night On Which I Fucked a Totally Drunk Lady Pink Lascivious Skin, starring Nozomi Hazuki, Miho Tachibana, Misa Yuuki and the always welcome Satsuki Kirioka) was very good. At least the ladies have a fighting chance..." (I have no memory about this movie now. Du-uhh.)

I would also like to take this opportunity to mention that Ding73ding's partner is a little too cool.

I'm also not into the "KO" aspect of the drunk 'genre'.

Be a shame to mark it down as just that, the appeal for me has been girls, well, "going wild", and ending up doing things they wouldn't (perhaps with men they wouldn't) while sober.

Done right they can be hot. The video I led this thread with is quite the example, out with coworkers, well, I already laid it out in the OP.

Others I've seen recently offer different twists.

~One in which the drunk girl is taken home to be cared for by a (coworker? friend?) and she clearly wants sex, and for whatever reason he doesn't deliver (I chose to imagine he's committed, but still being turned on by her...) he calls other men to satiate her. All of whom she takes on with drunken passion.

~2 girls drink with two boys in one of their homes and as the frivolity increases, bets are made, bits of clothing are removed...all ultimately leading to...well, duh. Two scenes, the latter of which features the ever reliable Mei Matsumoto.

She makes it all quite hot by being the one egging it on - it begins with both of them hesitant to strip, but she wants to embarrass her friend so as she takes off her shirt, Mei sneakily unhooks her bra, exposing a nipple before her ashamed friend hides herself, spurring on the events...

Screenshot 2016-05-11 09.16.24.png
A face of mischief I'd certainly like to see in mixed drinking company ;)

Screenshot 2016-05-11 09.16.32.png


she continues in this nature, who knew she'd nail 'mischievous drunk' so well. (By the time her friend is down to her underwear, she's still fully clothed, what a bad friend! Never fear, naturally she gets put in her place and in bed before it all ends.)

This latter video is OYC-049, forgetting the former, I'll try to find it.
And There's this vid


Summary , an NTR video about housing complex committee taking advantage of a drunk wife. The heavy NTR element in this vid make it a great alcohol induced video.

The actress is not exactly those stunning jaw drops type , but she got a real begging to be foxy "NTR me" look . Hard to explain, mmm maybe its a personal feeling.
Well sorry for the watermarks again , but well for an off note , as a wise member once said we shouldn't be complaining on anything we get free hehe BUT , the audio ripping recently is horrible , most of them are awfully out of sync =(
I don't mind water marks , but off sync audio is really quite annoying

anyway here some SSs

NGOD014-01.jpg Recipe for disaster , wolves-men's invitation to apartment committee. Danger danger!!

NGOD014-02.jpg Committee are boring , send your wife in your stead , of coz the "gentlemen" will send her back safely if she got drunk or anything.

NGOD014-03.jpg Upon inspection , somethings not right...

NGOD014-04.jpg And she can't remember anything ...don't worry ...

NGOD014-05.jpg Just go back to the scene of crime , like any respectable H game , use the mouse cursor and pick up the super conveniently conspicuously camera on the table to discover what happened that night???

NGOD014-06.jpg -> NGOD014-07.jpg ooooo okie...self explanatory

NGOD014-08.jpg U foolish woman...

NGOD014-09.jpg eh but he ain't that clever too , leaving his wife alone with them after what had happen.

NGOD014-10.jpg Nvm , the next committee (still going?) , he'll be there , to make sure nothing happen. Hero !!

NGOD014-11.jpg urm... way to go hero...

NGOD014-12.jpg Game over...

Haha the husband really have quite the "NTR my wife" acting and combined with a good story plot , this is quite a good alcohol based movie. So guys if u into alcohol + ntr well , this the one for u.
One more vote for semi-willing drunken sluts. Violating a woman when she's unconscious is not a sportsman. I enjoy girls who get drunk or pretend to get drunk in order to do things or have things done to them. Especially like the last post Wakaba Onoue (ok not jaw dropping, but definitely penis rising beauty) went back for another "meeting" was predictable result. Think they will be voted Selfless Good Neighbors at the end of the year.
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