Alternate Titles: 永井豪のホラー劇場 マネキン
From the same period, the women who attended the fashion school were bullied and died the day before the fashion show. After that, she surrounded, terrible tragedy happened! And the complaints and splatter made by mix Mr. Yongjing's strange work!
Runtime: 52 Mins
Genre: Horror Countries: Japan Languages: Japanese
54min 58s - 1.85 GB - MPEG-4 - 956x590:
Hum-anoid_puppet.part1.rar (350.0 Mb)
Hum-anoid_puppet.part2.rar (350.0 Mb)
Hum-anoid_puppet.part3.rar (350.0 Mb)
Hum-anoid_puppet.part4.rar (350.0 Mb)
Hum-anoid_puppet.part5.rar (350.0 Mb)
Hum-anoid_puppet.part6.rar (142.4 Mb)
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