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  1. G

    anyone can tell me a softcore or storyline jav? thanks in advance

    thanks alot, im checking soon, u might just save my jav interest :cheer:
  2. G

    anyone can tell me a softcore or storyline jav? thanks in advance

    and tokyo hot too, at first its still not bad, after a while it bcome disgusting. weirdly, lots of tokyo hot all around the download list everywhere. is max any good?
  3. G

    Mahiru - Zero 12 [ZER012]

    im a newbie, how to combine those files??
  4. G

    anyone can tell me a softcore or storyline jav? thanks in advance

    Tbh, im pretty bored of jav that has like guy raping girl, rough sex, playing 10 sex toys to a girl, bukkake and that are the case of most of the new jav. i wonder if anyone can tell me if they know any jav that might have storyline n not straight to the scene that both guy n girl are naked...
  5. G

    [IDed]蒼井そら Sora Aoi

    thanks alot, im kinda new to jav :p n i think i like her with longer hair :p
  6. G

    [IDed]蒼井そら Sora Aoi

    n also , i wonder, do i post my question in correct thread? i just saw another jav idol identification
  7. G

    [IDed]蒼井そら Sora Aoi

    ive been trying to find who is the girl in this clip but till now i never have any luck i would really appreciate if anyone can tell me who she is n if she got a movie in here (though i can search her easily if i know her name)...