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  1. EzikialRage

    Things that piss you off.

    Anti-smoking Nazi. These people falsely claim that tobacco companies making their products flavored is somehow marketing and selling to little kids. Are they people aware that I can walk into any business that sells alcohol and can find fruit flavor,coffee flavored, soda flavored, mint...
  2. EzikialRage

    When burning a DVD

    Not really.Just be aware that the longer the video the less the quality will be. For example a four hour dvd video disc will be lower in quality that a two hour dvd video disc.
  3. EzikialRage

    Things that piss you off.

    Games that require you to download the whole entire game even though you already bought the disk that the game came on. IT wouldn't be so bad if they didn't make you download a 3rd party application to download that game at below full speed or they game was over several gigabytes in size...
  4. EzikialRage

    What are you listening to right now?

    The ending theme song from Tower of God by Stray Kids Stray Kid- Slump
  5. EzikialRage

    Shinozaki Ai - Risque Content

    I think these are about as close to risque as she going to get.
  6. EzikialRage

    Things that piss you off.

    Handheld emulators that either have too many fucking buttons or not enough buttons for the video game systems they are capable of emulating. Imagine a handheld game player that can only emulate up to Super Nintendo systems but has two joysticks and or R2 and L2 buttons. Or a handheld game...
  7. EzikialRage

    What games are you playing?

    Monster quest paradox. I love this one way better than the previous monster girl game that was basically just a visual novel with with a few RPG elements in it.Paradox is an actual RPG game where you can level your characters up. It is supposed to be like a 3 part series like the previous game...
  8. EzikialRage

    The Final Days of Japan's Most Incredible Arcade

    If I ever had the cash to visit Japan as a tourist this would be one of the places I would want to visit. Hopefully it opens back up. Japan is known for its video arcades, from the tiniest little collections of claw...
  9. EzikialRage

    What games are you playing?

    replaying Wolfenstein II New Colossus. This time I am doing the Wyatt timeline.
  10. EzikialRage

    What are you listening to right now?

    Surprisingly this Steve 'N' Seagulls cover of "nothing else matters" works well on a banjo.
  11. EzikialRage

    What are you listening to right now?

    A dark satirical song about incest and abuse by The Dead South.
  12. EzikialRage

    Which Japanese girl you want to marry?

    I wouldn't marry any porn star. But if we are talking about what Japanese celebrity you could marry then I would marry an idol like Ai Shinozaki or Saaya Irie.
  13. EzikialRage

    Things that piss you off.

    The post office delivering mail to the wrong address twice in a month. How fucking hard is it for the mail carrier to look at the address on the package and look at the name on the street sign to see that the street address on the shipping label and street sign fucking match? I shouldn't have to...
  14. EzikialRage

    Download vs Stream

    I prefer download. That way I don't have to worry about lag. I can put it on a device that does not have internet access. I can download it, keep it and watch it when ever I want because sometimes streaming sites go down.
  15. EzikialRage

    Would you buy your child a personal computer?

    if I had my own kids then no I wouldn't get them their own computer.There would be a computer in the living room or dining room so that I can make sure my child isn't cyber bulling anyone,isn't being cyber bullied , isn't meeting random strangers, isn't making videos for Chester the child...
  16. EzikialRage

    Are computers fun?

    I like it. I can download anything from porn to video games.I can use it to run old Nintendo games with emulation. I can visit forums to vent. I can visit online stores and not have to call or drive around to dozen stores to find what I want.
  17. EzikialRage

    Fukushima? Why Not?

    This is why Nuclear power isn't as clean as people say it is. How is it clean if you got to bury waste in radioactive proof containers and how is it clear that if a major accident happens that people can't live near it for a many decades?
  18. EzikialRage

    Proposed new English curriculum feared to add heavier toll on teachers

    I don't think schools should be mandating that students learn foreign languages. Sure English might be the language of international business.But how many Japanese kids are going to grow up conducting business in the international community. I know I would be pissed if schools in the US started...
  19. EzikialRage

    What games are you playing?

    Wolfenstein II New Colossus. Pretty awesome game. Its a good sequel to New Order.
  20. EzikialRage

    Is Donald Trump The Anti-Christ?

    That is not what he did. Sadam has had a history of having and using WMDs at least 15 times. Sadam refused to let UN inspectors inspect certain facilities thus giving the impression he was hiding WMDs. Practically everybody both democrats and republicans was saying Sadam has WMDs and this...
  21. EzikialRage

    Is Donald Trump The Anti-Christ?

    If it was Ted Cruz, John Kasick or any other republican as president the mainstream media would be attacking them. The mainstream media and entertainment industry is mostly ran by liberals and they don't like republicans no matter how liberal or conservative that republican is. When Bush was...
  22. EzikialRage

    What games are you playing?

    F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate.So far it doesn't seem to have the endless office buildings that the original has and it has some extra weapons that are not in the original.
  23. EzikialRage

    What games are you playing?

    Sniper Ghost Warrior 3. Just started it. Its basically more like a buggy/glitchy version of Far Cry game instead a tactile first person shooter. You have a safe house, you have to unlock new weapons and upgrades. you can craft items, you can go to sleep and wake up and what ever time you want...
  24. EzikialRage

    Momo Shiina or Rei Kuromiya

    I pick Rei.
  25. EzikialRage

    Similiar programs like Jdownloader?

    Usually it will,it depends on the image host. But it will also download the thumbnail version to. So you would get the original size pictures as well as their thumbnail versions.Which you can easily select and remove because it will display the file size.
  26. EzikialRage

    Similiar programs like Jdownloader?

    Before I started using Jdownloader I used Freerapid
  27. EzikialRage

    What games are you playing?

    Battlefield 1.So far the single player campaign is pretty awesome. From what I can tell there are different stories in the game. Like some of the Call of duty games you are not playing just a single character through out the whole game. When your character gets killed it shows their name, year...
  28. EzikialRage

    Things that piss you off.

    Music stations doing talk shows in the morning.If I wanted to listen to people talking I would turn it to one of the stations that play NPR,Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck or Michael Savage. I do like listening to those guys and occasionally NPR. However when its on a music station I expect music and...
  29. EzikialRage

    Funny commercial

    I bet anyone who has cats laughed their ass off after watching this video.
  30. EzikialRage

    what are you watching? (tv shows)

    Ash Vs Evil Dead. Caught to episode season 2 episode 6.The ending them song was a perfect.
  31. EzikialRage

    Do JAV actresses use their real names?

    I don't see why they would use their real name.Can you imagine some crazed porn fan showing up at your home with a porn movie or magazine they want you to sign when you are trying to relax with family and friends?
  32. EzikialRage

    What games are you playing?

    Grand Theft Auto Vice City. I enjoy the 80s themed GTA game.
  33. EzikialRage

    Things that piss you off.

    Radio and tv political talk show hosts bad mouthing people who want to raise higher minimum wage and acting as though those people don't deserve to make any more money than they are now. Radio talk show hosts literally get paid to sit on their ass and run their mouth and make millions of...
  34. EzikialRage

    What games are you playing?

    Call of Duty Modern Warfare remastered single player mode.Other than a grapgical update there seems to be some extras like a grenade range and a grenade launcher target range in the game that is in the game that wasn't there in the original. I don't know if there are any other extras. So far I...
  35. EzikialRage

    10th Anniversary

    Hopefully this site is around another 10 years. I been a member for about 8 years and lurked a little bit before joining.
  36. EzikialRage

    Is Donald Trump The Anti-Christ?

    So they force people who have no interest in politics to vote in Canada? I am glad the US doesn't do that. Although voting is a right in the US, a right means it is optional not forced.
  37. EzikialRage

    Is Donald Trump The Anti-Christ?

    Hell has froze.
  38. EzikialRage

    any Non-Jav forum here ?

    Someone once asked for non-japanese site similar to Akiba-online.You might try one of those,But I do not know if they do requests.
  39. EzikialRage

    what are you watching? (tv shows)

    Marvels Agents of Shield.The last episode had me thinking that the writers of the show never heard of a faraday cage or faraday bags.
  40. EzikialRage

    What are you watching (movies)?

    The New Ghost Busters movie. I don't think it deserved the hate it got.It was funny.The surviving original cast did make cameo appearances. Its a decent reboot.
  41. EzikialRage

    Age of fully autonomous and lethally armed battlefield robots approaching

    When playing games like Doom or watching movies where scientists do something nefarious that puts all of mankind at risk. I think to myself there is no what scientists would be stupid enough to do something like that.But then news stories like this say oh yes they fucken would do something that...
  42. EzikialRage

    Ancient Roman coins found buried under ruins of Japanese castle leave archaeologists baffled

    The result of a coin collector in medieval japan? Archaeologists were left baffled by the "strange" discovery of ancient Roman coins buried in the...
  43. EzikialRage

    What are you watching (movies)?

    The Do-over. I like Adam Sandler movies. I laughed my ass off. Captain America Civil war. I enjoyed it,but I didn't think it was good as the previous two Captain America movies.
  44. EzikialRage

    Murderers, Genocidal, Bullies, Racists. USA Police. There's Kill Them All. Cut Off The Head.

    The vast majority of police encounters are peaceful and the majority of those killed by police are white. Contrary to what black lives matter racist thugs and the degenerates in the media would have you believe cops are not driving around shooting people.
  45. EzikialRage

    What are you listening to right now?

    Its a shame that there isn't a uncensored version.
  46. EzikialRage

    What games are you playing?

    Doom (2016). I like it.It sort of feels like the original Doom a lot more than Doom 3 did. It has secrets you got to find if you want to make upgrading your weapons and expanding your health,armor and ammo capacity a little easier. Not as awesome as Wolfenstien The New Order, But it is still...
  47. EzikialRage

    Things that piss you off.

    If they have a mass shooting in the bathrooms those tampons can be used to help stop the bleeding.
  48. EzikialRage

    What are you watching (movies)?

    Teenage mutant ninja turtles out of the shadows. I liked it.It sort of had that 1980s TMNT cartoon feel to it with Krang,Bebop and Rocksteady. X-men Apocalypse. It was okay. One of the things people should remember about Marvel and DC comics is that stories get retconned alot.This probably due...
  49. EzikialRage

    Is Donald Trump The Anti-Christ?

    I don't think she was just trying to hide stuff from the government. I think she was intentionally using a private email and server as a mean of leaking classified info to other countries.Other countries hack into her private email and server in order to get the classified info and she feigns...
  50. EzikialRage

    Is Donald Trump The Anti-Christ?

    Republican doesn't automatically equal conservative. Mitt Romney is a perfect example of a liberal republican.It took me several years to learn that not all republicans are conservatives. There are many clothing companies that make their clothing here in the US, so if they can do it then so can...