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  1. Azoth

    Particle research in Japan could shed light on mystery in universe

    After watching this I keep seeing belief in the Big Bang as something as nonsensically religious as believing in a God. Thanks for sharing though. It sounds interesting, though I wouldn't know enough about the terms and science.
  2. Azoth

    Hideo Kojima's Metal Gear Solid is good but....

    Yeah, not to mention so far the theme and story seem like nonsense. Not to speak too soon, good content will be good
  3. Azoth

    Hideo Kojima's Metal Gear Solid is good but....

    I agree. I started getting into MGS since Revengeance, played it for Platinum's hack and slash action glory, but I got sucked in by the story and the dialogues. Then I played MGS1-3, I love the series. It's a bit of a turn off when I hear secondhand that Kojima was tired of making MGS and wants...