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  1. endless_blue_water

    SOPA: United States decided tomorrow Nov,17, 2011, the future of the Internet.

    I responded to a reply above, and was speaking about the conservative party of today. And the Protesters who are 99% liberal. Conservatives can be thought of as people that want to preserve capitalism / free markets, shrink large government, and spend less. I totally agree. Today, liberalism...
  2. endless_blue_water

    SOPA: United States decided tomorrow Nov,17, 2011, the future of the Internet.

    This is another HUGE subject. I agree with everything you said above Uso, Shinji, but I just wanted to comment on the protesters. As far as corporations not paying taxes, Free Trade NAFTA was defined too loosely and is a large part of what got American into the trouble it's in today. And the...
  3. endless_blue_water

    SOPA: United States decided tomorrow Nov,17, 2011, the future of the Internet.

    Uso Shinji, Thanks for the update on Japan. That is good news! On the other hand, I was "not" making a point about the ability to find information, but more so about the fact that US news media is "not" reporting things that people should know. I have no idea who is in control, but it's not the...
  4. endless_blue_water

    SOPA: United States decided tomorrow Nov,17, 2011, the future of the Internet.

    It's very sad, but the United States news media is totally censored, everyone in America knows it, but doesn't know what to do. For example, they are not reporting things like the Venezuela Iranian missile base that was just built recently. There's been no news about Iranian war ships moving...
  5. endless_blue_water

    Dot-BIT, anonymous to build a network and blocking DNS SOPA

    this is good to know, thank you wokkonno Q How would a user go about setting up this Dot-BIT? would it just be a simple matter of swapping out the DNS addresses in your computer network settings and adding the address Dot-BIT provides? Or will you need to run some kind of software also? In...
  6. endless_blue_water

    Awkward moments at Baltimore anime convention as art form comes of age

    He was half wise. Thats like saying, Fuck a continent as though it's one race all of the same opinion. It's almost as bad as when people say America is raciest. How can that be when America is made up of every race under the sun. A nation that gives every citizen the right to vote. The wise man...