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  1. Broccoli1337

    Website hosting whisper (AI Translation)

    Quick update with screenshots of the main page and post example. I got the main structure done (I'm using as an example and working on wordpress to save some time). I am now working on subtitles generation and hosting (Dynamic way to set download link on each post), and last I will...
  2. Broccoli1337

    Website hosting whisper (AI Translation)

    Hi everyone, I have been thinking recently of making a website that could host a solution to make AI translation using whisper and make them available to everyone. Please note that it won't replace translation made manually by people who speak japanese and will always be the cheaper solution...
  3. Broccoli1337

    JAV WHISPER+VAD Request Thread (Taking Requests HERE)

    Hi, Last month I started looking for a solution to translate JAV, and found out that whisper was giving good results. I am currently using this : (Sorry if it has already been posted, I only had a quick look at the comments). This will allow you...