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  1. lowleg26

    Saori Hara small mkvs and picture thread

    This pretty much ends any speculation. The language people are using in these blog posts suggests that Saori has been in communication with certain people, but not everyone. People are speaking as though they have spoken with people who had seen her recently or have been updated on her...
  2. lowleg26

    Saori Hara small mkvs and picture thread

    Poor Chrono doesn't understand how lucky he is! To be pinned on your back by Miss Saori should be a dream for any man or cat! :nosebleed: Please don't get discouraged, uk21. No news is good news (because at least it isn't bad news). I have no doubt that Miss Saori with return soon. When...
  3. lowleg26

    8.8 Richter earthquake hits Japan: Tsunami, nuclear meltdown, many dead

    I don't disagree with anything you've said, but it doesn't seem like media outlets on our end are taking the time to make those distinctions. When I first heard about the US zone of evacuation, it was just lumped in with the other zones in a very matter-of-fact fashion (eg. "Here's the initial...
  4. lowleg26

    8.8 Richter earthquake hits Japan: Tsunami, nuclear meltdown, many dead

    It seems that officials in the US have seen fit to issue their own warning regarding evacuating the area around the power plant, claiming that everyone in a 50 mile radius should evacuate. Despite what anyone may think about the Japanese governments handling of the situation, Its extremely...
  5. lowleg26

    Saori Hara small mkvs and picture thread

    Ah, so there may be some confusion because of a trip to shanghai? I'm wondering if, after all is said and done, Saori will return with an explanation like "my phone battery was dead!" and all our worries and speculations will seem silly! Despite the lack of definitive good news, we should be...
  6. lowleg26

    8.8 Richter earthquake hits Japan: Tsunami, nuclear meltdown, many dead

    Spikey, check the link that guy posted. That site is a parody site. They aren't an actual religious sect. Its fake. Not real. Its all satire meant to poke fun at the overzealous. Also, the bulk of your post was a general criticism of Christianity, and not a rebuttal to specific things...
  7. lowleg26

    8.8 Richter earthquake hits Japan: Tsunami, nuclear meltdown, many dead

    Spikey, you're my buddy and I respect you, but the rest of your comment goes over the top. Lets not lump any intolerant or oddball fringe groups in with the majority of people following any particular religion. And lets not waste our time and energy dumping on any other group of people (other...
  8. lowleg26

    Saori Hara small mkvs and picture thread

    This is encouraging news. I'm willing to take SOD at their word that their actresses are OK. Saori is one of their biggest names, they'd definitely check to make sure she was OK. Its still a very tense and sad situation over there, so its not surprising someone may be helping with her blog...
  9. lowleg26

    Things that piss you off.

    She did found the US chapter, though. Could we wait until after the crisis has passed before we start criticizing other peoples expressions of sympathy or solidarity? It's in pretty poor taste to respond to a persons expression of sadness by trolling them about how their reaction is a...
  10. lowleg26

    8.8 Richter earthquake hits Japan: Tsunami, nuclear meltdown, many dead

    Negative. Coverage continues to be poor over here. I wouldn't have known about China sending a search and rescue team if you hadn't posted it. Right now, coverage is almost exclusively centered on the power plants and what MIGHT happen. The time spent discussing things other than the power...
  11. lowleg26

    Hi, guys

    Hello, kekkung. :hi: Welcome to the community. :ok:
  12. lowleg26

    8.8 Richter earthquake hits Japan: Tsunami, nuclear meltdown, many dead

    I agree. News from networks in the states is similarly disjointed. They either whine about not having things spelled out for them (I'm assuming the issue is they don't have proper translations of statements) or they flat out admit they're totally in the dark, either way, they have no...
  13. lowleg26

    8.8 Richter earthquake hits Japan: Tsunami, nuclear meltdown, many dead

    Despite knowing better, I'm still blown away that anyone would try to make the claim that any country deserved something like this for ANY reason. How could anyone say that this was punishment for whale hunting? That's a level of stupidity that goes into outer space. There's no way to...
  14. lowleg26

    Yui Hatano declared a casualty of the tsunami ...

    I don't know about this. Sora Aoi is a few years older than Yui. I think this is probably just a mix up. If that is Sora's official twitter, I'm glad that she is OK. ryuuga makes an excellent point. Thanks for posting this Darth Demon. :ok:
  15. lowleg26

    Saori Hara small mkvs and picture thread

    Please keep hope, uk21. Like I said regarding the "news" about Yui Hatano, we should wait until there are credible sources before accepting anything as fact. Theres going to be a lot of confusion for some time. Its nerve racking, but all we can do is wait for trustworthy sources to let us...
  16. lowleg26

    8.8 Richter earthquake hits Japan: Tsunami, nuclear meltdown, many dead

    There was a post in the chatterbox section stating that Yui Hatano was declared a casualty of the disaster. This is, for the time being, unsubstantiated and should be considered nothing more than a rumor. Apparently, there is also a rumor going around that the creator of pokemon was also a...
  17. lowleg26

    Yui Hatano declared a casualty of the tsunami ...

    Sorry for the double post, but I wanted to mark this thread as having a new post. After trying to verify this myself, it seems that there are rumors surfacing about famous Japanese people having died in the tsunami/earthquake. Unless anyone has a link to a credible news source that can...
  18. lowleg26

    Yui Hatano declared a casualty of the tsunami ...

    This is very sad news to hear. Where did you hear this? :puzzled: If this is true, I agree with your sentiment. She will be missed. :rainyday:
  19. lowleg26

    8.8 Richter earthquake hits Japan: Tsunami, nuclear meltdown, many dead

    No kidding. Most places couldn't wait to get the gouge in when people are desperate. Its actually heartwarming to see something like this in the midst of disaster. I saw an article elsewhere about how there was pretty much zero concern as far as looting in the affected areas, as well...
  20. lowleg26

    8.8 Richter earthquake hits Japan: Tsunami, nuclear meltdown, many dead

    Places to Donate When I last looked for places to donate, this is what I came up with: is definitely on the ground with assistance has a Japanese affiliate called peace-winds that's providing assistance is preparing to send relief...
  21. lowleg26

    Saori Hara small mkvs and picture thread

    Please cheer up, uk21. :please: You're injured and should try to relax. Miss Saori is OK, I just know it. :ok: She just might not be able to get on her blog due to a power out. Its also possible she might be very busy helping family and friends and hasn't had a chance to get to a...
  22. lowleg26

    Hi all!

    Hello, KamikazeGundam1985. :hi: Welcome to the community.
  23. lowleg26

    Saori Hara small mkvs and picture thread

    I think that Miss Saori would be touched that you (as well as all of us) were concerned about her safety, uk21. Thanks very much for the list of who has been verified as OK. I think Saori is OK, as well. Chrono and Miro would never let anything happen to her! :hurry: I hope all of our...
  24. lowleg26

    8.8 Richter earthquake hits Japan: Tsunami, nuclear meltdown, many dead

    Aquamarine, even during a disaster you manage to maintain a colorfully amusing disposition. I echo coolkevin's sentiment. Its good to know that you are OK. I hope your friends and colleges are also doing well. Thank you for the updates. Please stay safe.
  25. lowleg26

    8.8 Richter earthquake hits Japan: Tsunami, nuclear meltdown, many dead

    This is terrible! :ohnoes: The footage of the tsunami waves washing away houses is just heartbreaking. I hope all our Japanese members/visitors are somewhere safe. I also hope that as few people as possible are injured. Let us know that you're OK, guys. :please:
  26. lowleg26

    Saori Hara small mkvs and picture thread

    Noooooo! Thats terrible! I hope you feel better soon. I hate when I have arm or wrist pain, it makes it hard to web surf. Alternity's hot compress idea sounds like a good one. Also, sometimes when I know i'll be typing for a long time, I'll put on a pair of double wide wristbands to help...
  27. lowleg26

    Saori Hara small mkvs and picture thread

    Oh, No!!!! I hope its just sore and not a sprain. Take some ibuprofen and put some ice on it, we can't have you getting hurt! Hope you feel better soon. Hmmmmmm....I'm not really a tatoo guy, myself. :dunno: But, if thats what Miss Saori wants, she's entitled to it. Thanks very much...
  28. lowleg26

    Saori Hara small mkvs and picture thread

    Oh, very nice. :grassdance: Its always nice to come back to some great new pics after being gone for a few days. :ok: Thanks for the Saori update, uk21. :bow-pray: Thanks for the wallpapers and Saori art, alternity. :bow-pray:
  29. lowleg26

    Saori Hara small mkvs and picture thread

    Its always nice to see some new Saori pics posted! :grassdance: Thanks for the candid Saori pics, uk21. :bow-pray: And excellent work on the wallpapers, alternity. :ok:
  30. lowleg26

    Saori Hara small mkvs and picture thread

    Wow. :nosebleed: That must have been one awesome "chat" session! Thanks very much, uk21. :bow-pray:
  31. lowleg26

    What games are you playing?

    While I was reinstalling HL2, I decided to reinstall Stranglehold, as well. Very cool game. Its like Max Payne, but with a Hong Kong movie twist. :cool: Also playing Ivy the Kiwi for the DS. Very fun platformer, but some very difficult levels to get through! :exhausted:
  32. lowleg26

    Saori Hara small mkvs and picture thread

    What are they looking at, I wonder? :puzzled: Or is Miss Saori just sneaking up on them!!?! :pandalaugh: Thanks very much for the pic update, uk21. :bow-pray:
  33. lowleg26

    What games are you playing?

    Even though its a few years old, HL2 still beats the hell out of most recent games. Guess its time to reinstall it! :pandalaugh:
  34. lowleg26

    Japanese people wish they were white

    Are they in some kind of rodeo clown club? :puzzled: I'm hoping that's greasepaint and makeup. 'cause if it isn't...:scared:
  35. lowleg26

    Japanese people wish they were white

    I don't know if I'd say it pisses me the hell off, but its certainly a good indicator of when I can stop taking a person seriously. The way I usually hear the accusation worded is "all Japanese wish they were American or European", which is pretty much synonymous with saying "they want to be...
  36. lowleg26

    Hello,Salut !

    Hi, maxou.k. :hi: Welcome to the community.
  37. lowleg26

    Saori Hara small mkvs and picture thread

    So they get to snuggle with Saori, sleep in her bed, bathe with her, AND they've got cash!!!?! I'll say it again, those are some lucky cats! :notagain: Thanks for all the photos, uk21. :bow-pray: And thanks for the new piece of Saori art, alternity. :ok:
  38. lowleg26

    Saori Hara small mkvs and picture thread

    Agreed. Now I'm not sure if I'm more jealous of Miss Saori's cats or that banana! :pandalaugh: Thanks for the pictures and the honorary knighthood, uk21. :bow-pray:
  39. lowleg26

    Saori Hara small mkvs and picture thread

    Great work, alternity! :ok: I especially like the effect in the second pic. Super cool! Thanks for sharing these with us. :bow-pray:
  40. lowleg26

    Saori Hara small mkvs and picture thread

    Those lucky cats! I'm so jealous! The get to cuddle with Saori, take baths with Saori, and sleep in Saori's bed! Thanks for the pic update, uk21. :bow-pray:
  41. lowleg26


    Hi, Verginello. :hi: Welcome to akiba!
  42. lowleg26

    Saori Hara small mkvs and picture thread

    Oh, wow! This is great. :grassdance: Now we have a one stop shop for all the great Saori pics! Thanks very much for all the great pics, uk21. :bow-pray: Thanks to alternity, too, for those awesome wallpapers! :ok:
  43. lowleg26

    (STAR254)Saori Hara~ Let's go with Celebrity Hara Saori! 2-day-1-night Bus Tour! ISO

    Good advice. Removable/external hdd's are for storage and shouldn't be used for unpacking, shuffling, etc., if possible. I also recommend this movie. I wish I could get a seat on Saori's tour bus! :nosebleed: Thanks very much for the DDL, uk21. :bow-pray:
  44. lowleg26


    Hi there! :hi:
  45. lowleg26

    Ordering from

    I'll be honest, I've never actually made an order on the Japanese Amazon site, but I did want to make a couple points. The fact that your card hasn't been charged right away isn't an indicator that something is wrong. Its standard Amazon policy to not charge until the stuff gets shipped (I'm...
  46. lowleg26

    (SOE499)Risa Kasumi~Slutty Elder Sister who Likes to be Watched ISO

    Your biography omits an important fact: You're one hell of a nice guy! :ok: Your a super generous and all around pleasant person. We appreciate your kindness and generosity. :goodmood:
  47. lowleg26

    (SOE499)Risa Kasumi~Slutty Elder Sister who Likes to be Watched ISO

    alternity highlights a good point, how do you do so much so quickly? You're a JAV sharing machine, uk21. :joker: Thanks very much for posting the DDLs. :bow-pray:
  48. lowleg26

    (STAR239)Saori Hara ~ May I Enter the Men's Bath with just a Towel? ISO

    Ah, to bath with Saori. What a wonderful notion. :harp: Maybe someday... :perfectplan:...but probably not! :joker: Thanks very much for posting this DDL, uk21. :bow-pray:
  49. lowleg26

    (Star248)Saori Hara~First Nakadashi Heaven ISO

    I agree. uk21's posts always have an excellent format. They're clean, concise, and have covers or screens so you can get a look at the vid before downloading. :ok: Nicely done, uk21. Thanks for the DDL. :bow-pray:
  50. lowleg26

    Hello all

    Hi there. :hi: Welcome to the community.