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  1. lowleg26

    For double layer, which one: DVD+R or DVD-R????

    a whole book? lulz, there's nothing wrong with being thorough about a tech issue! :evillaugh: I've heard very good things about MIJ Fujifilm discs, so at this point I think we can rule out media and hardware as a factor. From what's happened and the information you've posted, I'd guess the...
  2. lowleg26

    For double layer, which one: DVD+R or DVD-R????

    Yeah, I've run across a lot of ISO's that are the same way. They're basically ISO sized rips (but the quality is good). If its playing fine in VLC, then we're right back where we started. :dunno: I'm glad I could be of some help! :goodboy: As for AutoGK, unfortunately I've never used it...
  3. lowleg26

    For double layer, which one: DVD+R or DVD-R????

    I hate making coasters, especially with dual layer discs (they aren't cheap). And since they usually make you burn at a low speed anyway, sometimes you can't make them go any slower (so the "slow burns = good burns" adage is moot). Actually, with VLC you CAN just drag and drop an ISO (or even...
  4. lowleg26

    For double layer, which one: DVD+R or DVD-R????

    I've had pretty good experiences with TDK, but I don't usually use them simply because there's only one store in my area that sells them (and they never seem to go on sale). I actually recently revisited some of my old TDK burns and they've held up very well. I had a TDK disc of...
  5. lowleg26

    For double layer, which one: DVD+R or DVD-R????

    Really? I thought that the +R discs had a better track record of compatibility. For dual layer discs, all I've ever used are verbatim +R discs and I have yet to run into any issues getting them to play on any kind of player. In fact, my main dvd player is now my old ps2. I'm sure we've all...
  6. lowleg26

    Bittorrent issue

    Yes, all of this. And if you whip yourself with ethernet cables during the ceremony, the digigods are more likely to fulfill your wish. Just kidding. But seriously, if you provide a little more info about your setup we'll be happy to assist any way we can. There's nothing more frustrating...
  7. lowleg26

    What's ur greatest fear?

    I went through several docs before getting to one I felt I could actually trust. Psychologists only, I'll never trust a psychiatrist (aka "pill pusher") again! :sick: Well, I'll share another one of mine then. I can't leave uncovered, unsealed, or open drinks or foods alone, because I'm...
  8. lowleg26

    What's ur greatest fear?

    I used to know a phlebotomist who was the exact opposite. He could sit and take blood samples all day long, but if he ever had to give one (or got a cut or scrape) he just couldn't stand the sight of his own blood. Why so serious? :puzzled: I hope you feel better. Its never fun to be...
  9. lowleg26

    pleaaaase heelp..

    is the file extension for all the parts the same? Like, are they all .avi or is just the 1st part .avi and the rest are different? I just bring this up because some joiners require the file or file extension to be named or numbered sequentially in order to work properly. EDIT: Just...
  10. lowleg26

    Freedom of speech is fine, but...

    I'd like to think that my posts here tried to keep things on track and remind people of what the topic of discussion actually was. For doing so, the thread starter saw fit to enter the discussion only to put me down. He then undercut his own argument by refusing to participate in any capacity...
  11. lowleg26

    Freedom of speech is fine, but...

    SHEESH! I can neither furl my brow nor roll my eyes hard enough to express my discontent. If this was your approach to the previous discussions about the topic, its no wonder they went nowhere. Throwing out an idea on a public forum, not contributing to the discussion, and then writing off...
  12. lowleg26

    Freedom of speech is fine, but...

    Understandable. This thread has taken some detours. I've tried to nail down what the discussion was supposed to be about in my previous posts, but those only give my interpretation based on what I've read here. I'm glad someone else has chimed in with some questions to try and get things back...
  13. lowleg26

    Freedom of speech is fine, but...

    The best intentions, etc (or something or other). I haven't been here as long as many of the other people in this thread, but I'm guessing that this topic (or something close to it) has come up on several occasions. Does the discussion always go like this? I mean, we're not even talking about...
  14. lowleg26

    Japanese man accused of illegal bear hunting

    This is gonna wind up like a horror movie where the real bear killer is still out there. By now he's probably mutated, is stronger than ten bears, and has six limbs. Earths champion will now have to face Ursa Goro in the outworld. Lets hope he has yet to master the dim-mak or we're pretty...
  15. lowleg26

    What's ur greatest fear?

    Good to know I'm not the only "indoor" person here. I'm pretty rattled by new people and strangers (and, no, I'm not a dog; but if I was, I would be a husky).
  16. lowleg26

    Freedom of speech is fine, but...

    :silence: Good lord, man. J/K, I came pretty close to making a 20/40 MILF follow up joke. Even in the states, the "home" of free speech, it isn't literal. Free speech means "saying whatever you want within the confines of what has been determined legal to say". On A-O you can say what you...
  17. lowleg26

    Freedom of speech is fine, but...

    Now that's ribald! :evillaugh:
  18. lowleg26

    Freedom of speech is fine, but...

    While I respect everyone's right to free speech to the extent the law requires, everyone should keep in mind that, compared to a LOT of other torrent/content posting sites, A-O is INCREDIBLY liberal as far as what is permitted to be said (and posted) here. There's plenty of torrent sites out...
  19. lowleg26

    Help with converters (freeware best but paying is ok)

    BUMMER! Short by 20 pixels is just hard luck, man! :notagain: I think Syobon might be on to something with that Avidemux program. After checking it out, it looks like a pretty good alternative to handbrake. And, like handbrake, it appears to be from a French site. Go France!
  20. lowleg26

    Help!! Can't Open Video File...

    Definitely download VLC player and try them with that. If VLC can't play them, they're probably not worth the trouble.
  21. lowleg26

    What is happening with my downloads or computer.

    Yep, this sounds pretty standard (by that, I mean its nothing to worry about). Without proper program paths and file associations, Windows can spit out some pretty cryptic and unhelpful messages. As long as they play fine in VLC, thats all that matters! :goodmood:
  22. lowleg26

    Japanese man accused of illegal bear hunting

    Does anyone know of a book about how these "animal part" medicines came about? I find it hard to believe that, long ago, somebody who was sick was eating a bear gallbladder and suddenly screamed "I'm Cured!" Seriously, where do people come up with this stuff?
  23. lowleg26

    What is happening with my downloads or computer.

    That would definitely be a good course of action. VLC can even play ISO files and DVD folders like videos! Windows media player is just a lost cause. I don't even think it has the capacity to download proper codecs. When you say you get a "File not found" message, can you elaborate at all...
  24. lowleg26

    last ten movies you watched and appreciated

    OH EM GEE, I almost had a conniption fit when I found out that they were considering fucking Justin Timberlake for the role of the Green Lantern! :donotwant::destroy: I'm so glad they went with Ryan Reynolds. He wouldn't have been my first choice, but, considering his role in movies like...
  25. lowleg26

    Too Much Info, Girl!

    I can appreciate the point you wanted to make, and the fact that you had a particular direction you wanted the thread to go in. But the comment you used to try and make this point didn't rise to the level of too much info until you elaborated on it. If she had posted something like "just had a...
  26. lowleg26

    Poor girl...

    Even though its a shop, Its makes me feel sad too! Please don't be sad, Pretty Girl! :wait: Ok, that made me feel a little less sad :snicker2:
  27. lowleg26

    what do you listen to?

    I'm rockin' with Dokken! Seriously, any of the stuff from the 80's guitar gods is OK in my book. I also like the new wave of Japanese shredders like Takayoshi Ohmura, Syu, and Satoshi Katada!
  28. lowleg26

    last ten movies you watched and appreciated

    That reminds me, I thought The Story of Anvil was pretty damn entertaining! But if documentaries count, then my list changes :puzzled: Speaking of which, if anyone hasn't seen "City of God" RUN, literally run (even if you're barefoot on a wet tile floor) and pick up or rent that movie! The...
  29. lowleg26

    last ten movies you watched and appreciated

    I don't think I've seen a movie I appreciated for a few years! :puzzled: Or maybe there's just so many bad ones that its harder to remember the better ones. Well, my list goes: - Blow - The Dark Knight - Leon: The Professional (all time favorite, too) - The Thing - Donnie Darko - W...
  30. lowleg26

    Too Much Info, Girl!

    Normally I am ardently opposed to any "white-knightery" regardless of the circumstance, but this just seems downright malicious. The girl's statement itself is pretty benign, honestly. And using a school rumor, a medical issue, and her weight to turn it into an unpleasant joke seems a tad...
  31. lowleg26

    What OS are you using?

    Vista home, unfortunately. :dunno: Trying to dual boot Fedora, but just cant get it to install. :destroy: Some day I'll be freed from window's neon claws into the welcoming flippers of that linux penguin! :relief:
  32. lowleg26

    Help with converters (freeware best but paying is ok)

    For conversions I, myself, prefer handbrake. Its free, works with most vid formats, and (depending on the dvds security) can often rip straight from the disk. It was also designed specifically to spit out "apple friendly" videos. Its been a while, but i'm pretty sure I converted a Rio...
  33. lowleg26

    Happy NEW YEAR

    I've got my fingers crossed for World War Z. If the shits gotta hit the fan, throw some zombies in there too. :victim: Happy New Year all! :chinesenewyearm::chinesenewyearm: :chinesenewyearm::chinesenewyearm:
  34. lowleg26

    Previous Downtime (again, again, again)

    It's scary when akiba is gone! :cry: But now that it's back, everything is cool! :goodmood: Thanks for all the work you do, chompy! And thank you to all akiba staff!
  35. lowleg26

    Previous Downtime (again, again)

    Yay! Akiba is back, and in time for Christmas! :relief: Big thanks to chompy and all akiba personnel for getting things up and running again! Merry Christmas everyone!
  36. lowleg26

    Has anyone tried to kick it?

    Ha, in all fairness, you probably wouldn't be able to see much through the stain-glassed shaping of the apostles.
  37. lowleg26

    Has anyone tried to kick it?

    If social interaction is lacking, I've found pretty much any venture that gets you outside the house helps. Volunteer work at a local church or community center can give you a real moral boost as well! Not only are you helping others, you're forced to communicate with new people. On top of...
  38. lowleg26

    Has anyone tried to kick it?

    I'll concede that I've never utilized a 12 step program, but I'll also re-iterate that I, personally, would suggest other options. That's just my opinion. I'm not trying to put down the 12 step idea at all. I've known individuals who went through them and were happier as a result, so they can...
  39. lowleg26

    Has anyone tried to kick it?

    Don't think ditching all your porn will all of a sudden fix everything. In fact, it may make you even more unhappy because you'll be without ANY form of release. If its feasible, you'd probably be best off having a few sessions with a counselor or psychologist. They can talk you through some...
  40. lowleg26

    You just won 338 million what?

    Now I feel bad for wanting that solid gold toilet! :sick: Actually, I'd probably donate a sizable chunk as well. That much money would indeed become a hassle. Especially with all the "friends" you forgot you had coming out of the woodwork to "just, y'know, hang out, man. At the Mercedes...
  41. lowleg26

    More than 3,000 detained in porn crackdown in China.

    Did anyone else think of the show "Silk Stalkings" after reading that bit? Thanks for the story link Gir633. Very interesting stuff.
  42. lowleg26

    Uh.. Can't we just be friends?

    Not to sound dismissive, but I really think you're exaggerating just a little. I mean, does EVERY interaction you have with the opposite sex that amounts to a conversation end with the guy asking for your number? If they do, disregard what I say and maintain your concern (also, there are a lot...
  43. lowleg26

    Just lost 236 Gb of Junior Idol Content =(

    Its still not a bad idea, DVDs are pretty much dirt cheap nowadays. When I almost lost all my iTunes data, I backed it all up to DVDs. Filled about 12 DVDs, and only took an evening to do (roughly 4 hours). If you're watching a TV marathon or a DVD box set or starting up a new RPG its not a...
  44. lowleg26

    Just lost 236 Gb of Junior Idol Content =(

    Sorry about losing your stuff, man, that's a bum deal! Sucks how hundreds of hours of downloading, which translates into possibly thousands of hours of media, can just disappear in seconds. You said that you only use 1 partition now, I'd actually recommend sectioning off the OS to its own...
  45. lowleg26

    PlayStation 3 Thread

    agreed, the main consoles of this generation have been a fairly huge disappointment! :distressed: The ps3 is still too expensive IMHO and frankly, I just don't care about it anymore. The Wii games I've played have all be pretty fun, but I still cant see getting my moneys worth out of it...
  46. lowleg26

    Why most American Office ladies are fat??

    I thought that the question of why aren't all sales people smokin' hot chicks was more of a "wishful thinking" joke, I didn't think the thread was actually serious. At worst, I figured it was a jab at the whole "fat american" thing. :dunno: If we're being totally serious here, then I agree...
  47. lowleg26

    Why most American Office ladies are fat??

    I've worked in a call center as well and its pretty lopsided as far as the body types go but, if you think about it, a job where you just sit on a phone all day and there's no footwork or heavy lifting? That's probably going to attract a particular type of applicant not trying to be...