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  1. P

    Is U_15 idol illegal in Canada?

    Yes i agree it is very sad and very frustrating, i also think that websites just like this one need to concentrate a lot more on allowing pop ups to appear because i got the virus through this website which is a shame because i love coming on here but admittedly it has made me very wary.
  2. P

    Is U_15 idol illegal in Canada?

    to be honest i had the same problem, a few months back, i previewed a u15 idol photo and a pop up appreared and said im looking at child porn and locked my computer while saying a investigation was under way. After a long few weeks of frustration and complete panic i relised that the whole thing...
  3. P

    Who has heard of this site

    I was wondering if anyone has or is part of the site i have for years and love it personally but what are yours thoughts i would love to know?