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  1. A

    [IDed]石原あい Ai Ishihara

    Thanks very much for your help CodeGeek. :cool: I'll check it out Sougouwiki. Edit: Bingo, she is 石原あい Have a beer on me CodeGeek.
  2. A

    [IDed]石原あい Ai Ishihara

    In the final scene of this film: (Hunter)(HUNT-849)泊まりに来た妹の友達と偶然の69!? もう大学生なのにいまだに妹と相部屋の僕(童貞)の家に I found this amazing girl. [/IMG] Can anyone help me find more of her work? She is so amazing she couldn't possibly be a one hit wonder!?? If you haven't seen the film I highly recommended it...