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  1. G

    [fj/fsn][AKB-024]Miu Saotome, Kotomi Asakura, Ageha Kinoshita – Cosplay Magical Girl

    I already got this a while back, but I'm thanking you for uploading it for others. I have no idea why, but the Fate scene really does it for me. Kinda wish they picked Signum instead, but that might have killed everyone on the set with how sexy and right it would be. Actually, I only...
  2. G

    Cosplay Fetish

    Well, there's always Cosplay JAV: Otherwise, it's...kind of a weird thing. "Cosplay" means more than just "girls dressed as fictional characters", so in searching for it, you end up finding mostly "concept" cosplay or just a bunch of awful superhero stuff that may...
  3. G

    Anime & Game Cosplay Porn Archive, Updates Frequently.

    Nitpick time! That's Euphemia, not Nunally. I mean, if you're talking about the pink-haired one. I think there is actually a Nunally scene, but I'd be perfectly-happy if that one was completely-excised from all future uploads of the movie. It's...a little too creepy. has the...
  4. G

    Anime & Game Cosplay Porn Archive, Updates Frequently.

    Tear Grants from Tales of the Abyss. Shame she doesn't have any actual sex. Tear's the best-looking of the three girls (but maybe I'm just burned out from THIRTEEN YEARS of Tifa porn and Jessica overtaking DQ porn for a couple years until the DS remakes came out). We need more Tales cosplay...