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  1. H

    Links Killed GRRR

    YES!! THE DARKEST DESIRE OF MY HEART ROARS!!! pls send me the links thx! btw, is it in MU?
  2. H

    26 TITLES

    sumthing is wrong with 聖奴隷学園 part 1 megaupload....i cud only download 20kb xD instead of 99MB
  3. H


    T.T can someone upload all the parts on god forsaken country (malaysia) ISP won't let me dl them T.T pretty pls? hehe
  4. H

    [Circus] Da Capo Collection [H-Game]

    Can anyone answer this question? is D.C II the same as D.C II PC which is soon to be released?
  5. H


    yeah...i tried tat....the files won't extract at all.
  6. H


    the same happened with me...(n i'm pretty sure tat i inserted the correct password:SolidSnake) this snapshot shows the extracting when it's pt 12: n this shows the finishing of all the extracting: can anyone help? really wanted to play this game^^.