
  1. D

    DVD rental in Japan

    Hello, Is it possible to go to Japan for holiday for some time and try to rent and rip hundreds of JAV DVDs? There are a few issues that I would like to learn about: Are there JAV DVD rental shops in Japan? If so, can you rent JAV DVDs as a foreign tourist? How many DVDs can you rent at once...
  2. ace71

    [FPO-0008] Ayaka Ichinose 一ノ瀬文香 - Saiko Level

    [FPO-0008] Ayaka Ichinose 一ノ瀬文香 - Saiko Level [DVD/ISO] [FPO-0008] Ayaka Ichinose 一ノ瀬文香 - Saiko Level [DVD/ISO] Release Date: 2008-11-28 Duration: 90 minute(s) Product description: [アーティスト/ キャスト] sekise / 久和万珠 / 一ノ瀬文香 [テクニカル・インフォメーション]...
  3. ace71

    [BEV73-42] Yuka Mizusawa 水沢友香 - Love Motion

    [BEV73-42] Yuka Mizusawa 水沢友香 - Love Motion [3.96 GiB-DVD/ISO] [BEV73-42] Yuka Mizusawa 水沢友香 - Love Motion [3.96 GiB-DVD/ISO] Release Date: 2006/11/25 Publisher: Eichi Publishing 英知出版 Actor: Yuka Mizusawa 水沢友香 DVD/ISO | 3.96 GiB | 0 hr 59 mins 57 sec | 720×460 Download Links...
  4. TimmyChin

    The Guardian: Japan launches nationwide competition to boost alcohol consumption

  5. TimmyChin

    Kyodo News: Drunk Japan police officer fell asleep on street, lost case docs

  6. TimmyChin

    VICE World News: Japanese in Their Late Teens Can Now Film Porn Freely. Not Everyone’s OK With It.

    The age of adulthood got officially lowered from 20 to 18 back in April, removing safeguards previously available to 18- and 19-year-olds. Full article: https://www.vice.com/en/article/m7vy9a/japan-adult-video-age-porn-industry
  7. TheOppaiAddict

    Any Active, Former Or Suspended Users Of Scanlover

    So I signed up on June 12th of this year and after three months of being a very active user my account gets suspended. It wasn't because I was insulting anyone or inciting arguments or anything like that. The suspension came at the expense of being "Too Opinionated" on a public forum no less...
  8. Mr.Matsumoto

    AMWF Movies Ideas

    Konnichiwa! We use name Mr. Matsumoto because we some friends who like AMWF Movies, and want send ideas to studios make it... Our best AMWF actress list is Melody Hina Marks, Rikki Six, Lexi Belle, Felix Vicious, etc... So we need found actress who want make movies with japanese guys and...
  9. kohlee8888

    ASK. Who is She ?...

    What is her name ?... Tell me, please. Thanks.
  10. F

    Help me ID or name ! Thanks!

    Anyone know her name / the JAV Code? Thank you in advance
  11. Justice

    Where to find ero-figures

    I'll be staying in Tokyo until the 2nd of September. As an Otaku there are tons of stuff that would had interest me, but most are Region locked, in Japanese or both! So I decided to settle down with some ero-figures that I feel I can't find similar in my country. I find it however very...
  12. I

    Hentai Game Collection

    my collection :cool:
  13. vincent_z

    Announcing Hokkai-Do (Japan) #7: 19-21 April 2019.

    I start another thread on this topic. Do you want to go to Japan, but you're tremulous about going somewhere where you do not know anybody? Consider this your engraved invitation to get there and be plunged into it accompanied by travelers who have been there before. Start saving your dollars...
  14. O

    menis videos

    if someone knows where can i find this https://moon-right-studio.jp/l/l044/l044.html on youtube: Azmi21