10 Things Foreign Guys Do... JP girls fall [for]


Mar 2, 2010
Kanae Hara at Gow Magazine writes: “Just this year, I’ve had one friend get married to an American and another to an Australian. Both of them moved overseas with their partners. They both tell me that foreigners are more expressive with their love and make them feel happy to have been born a woman.


Hara continues by sharing 10 ways foreign guys express their affection that make their Japanese girlfriends fall head over heels. We’ve translated the list below, so be sure to take notes if you’re looking for some pointers on how to woo a Japanese girl!

1. A real proposal
“His proposal was amazing! He actually got down on one knee and, while looking straight into my eyes, said: “Will you marry me?” Then he handed me a diamond ring!” (31-years-old/Japanese, 34-year-old/English)
2. Flattering text messages
“His texts always start with ‘To the most beautiful girl in the world’. I think being able to use a phrase like that naturally is something only foreigners can do.” (26/Japanese, 29/Spain)
3. Makeup flowers
“He sends a bouquet of flowers to my apartment or work after we get in a fight. It’s embarrassing but I think it’s sweet.” (29/Japanese, 27/English)
4. Mornings just like in the movies
“On days off he makes breakfast for me while I’m still in bed and wakes me up by kissing me while saying ‘Hurry, I want to see myself in those beautiful eyes’. It’s like something from a movie scene, I never thought I’d experience it myself.” (33/Japanese, 37/French)
5. A flower for every occasion
“Our first meal together, the first time we held hands: he uses every ‘first’ we share as an opportunity to slip me a flower.” (30/Japanese, 28/Greek)
6. Leaving his love in a letter
“Since he has to leave for work early in the morning, he always leaves me a letter with a short message. I feel his love for me in his handwriting.” (28/Japanese, 26/Chinese)
7. Saying “I love you” on the phone
“He always says ‘I love you’ before hanging up the phone. I still haven’t gotten used to it and it’s embrassing.” (29/Japanese, 26/American)
8. The first and last bite
“He’s so kind, it drives me absolutely crazy for him. I was especially surprised at how he always gives me the first and last bite when we share food.” (32/Japanese, 27/Korean)
9. Eat, sleep, breathe, kiss
“He kisses my over 10 times a day while whispering words of affection. It’s just natural for him.” (36/Japanese, 32/Italian)
10. Pet names
“There are many different words to express affection in his language. Even when simply addressing me, he tenderly calls me ‘my love’ or ‘my treasure’. (34/Japanese, 38/French)

By contrast, Japanese men are known for being shy and inept at expressing their feelings to women. Therefore many Japanese women fear that dating a Japanese man will bring them a life of monotony, with no romantic proposals (some Japanese men propose by asking “will you make me miso soup for the rest of my life?”) and never once being told “I love you”.

now that's an eye opener.

Gonna some of those:grassdance:
My tsuma and I were in one of these crazy articles. They made up some stuff about me, like I said "I love you" 10 times a day. bakayaro! someone needs to do a piece about how Japanese women can make you insane after the vows are exchanged. Japanese women are just as shy as the men are generally.
By contrast, Japanese men are known for being shy and inept at expressing their feelings to women. Therefore many Japanese women fear that dating a Japanese man will bring them a life of monotony, with no romantic proposals (some Japanese men propose by asking “will you make me miso soup for the rest of my life?”)....

Actually, in the U.S. that line would have to be changed to "will you order in miso soup for me for the rest of my life?"

And let's not forget:

“Men are April when they woo, December when they wed...”
― William Shakespeare, As You Like It
Fun post,
I have been happily married to a Japanese lady and from that top 10 I only managed nom.1, (only because she insisted,lol).
I think if I did any of the others she would punch me in the face haha. From experience my wife only boasts to her friends that I clean, do the dishes and sometimes cook dinner (without being asked).
If I did numbers 2-10 she would say, bakajyanaino(idiot), kusai(stinks) or we both just laugh with embarrassment.(saying hunny bunny, pumpkin and cup cake are always good for a laugh)
All women like being compliamented and shown respect regardless of nationality.
From my experience in Japan I would say Japanese women appreciate a genuine compliament about their apperance or attitude, (I like your hair, Did you change ___, it looks nice?, You must be good at your job....).
But mostly I think they like men to go the extra mile sometimes,
for example: i) meeting them after work late at night.
ii) offering to help do something hard, (study, move house, go shopping).
iii) walk them home even if it is miles out of your way.
iv) offer to clean help cook
Same as any other woman really.

Oh yeah one more thing, LEARN JAPANESE or at least etiquete, if she has to translate everything you say whilst your not even trying. GAME OVER. Friends are always impressed if you have Japanese manners

Sorry if I have bored the shit out of everyone.

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