Country: China | Hong Kong
Released Date: 2010
Language: Mandarin
Subtitles: English | Chinese
Genre: Action | Drama
Video Format | Size: MKV | 307M
Plot: Andy Lau stars as popular literary character Detective Dee, a former police officer jailed for treason when he opposed the rise of China's only female Emperor to the throne. Her methods were not entirely ethical, you see, and speculation abounded as to the former Emperor really died and Dee just couldn't stand for that. And so he has rotted in jail for eight years as the woman who jailed him consolidates her power as Regent for the young Crown Prince before finally making a play to take the throne herself.
But this does not go unopposed. Preparations for a massive coronation ceremony are interrupted when two high ranking workers preparing a massive bronze Buddha statue - one that would dwarf the statue of liberty - appear to spontaneously combust on the work site, events that those close to the Empress view as a not particularly veiled threat against her. Desperate to know how to proceed she takes counsel from her spiritual adviser who sends a talking deer telling her that only Dee can crack this case. And so out of jail he comes, forced to swear allegiance to the woman he once tried to depose, matched with one of the Empress' favored guards and an albino Supreme Court super cop as helpers / guards to help him crack the case while also making sure he doesn't return to his seditious ways.
随着高达100米的通天浮屠落成,武则天(刘嘉玲 饰) 登基之日亦将近。但接二连三骇人的自焚案相继发生,死者全为武后的亲信。一切究竟是逆天而行的天谴,或是有人暗中在挑战她的权威!武则天听从国师的指引,命令上官静儿(李冰冰 饰)将通天神探狄仁杰(刘德华 饰)召回,并命为钦差,联同上官静儿、裴东来(邓超 饰)查案。期间,狄仁杰与生死之交沙陀(梁家辉 饰)发现一种名为“赤焰金龟”的灵虫与自焚案有着莫大的关系,建议狄仁杰深入异地“鬼市”查探。他不但发现案件疑点重重,更遭到连番追杀,只因太多人不愿他查明真相。自焚案受害者越来越多,登基大典迫在眉睫。未查出真凶是谁,所有证据都直指与武后有关。究竟这个女皇帝背后藏有多少个不可告人的秘密?而被委派协助的上官静儿及婓东来究竟是敌?...
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