7-day rule


Sep 7, 2008
Feedback for Downloadable Candies PIC/CLIP threads is getting too off-topic, and i do want to say something , so i make this thread.

I always thought this rule was for protect both aikonhey and manzakura from other users who want to reup their stuff (as if they were their own), not from whoever posted first.

both should be excluded from this rule, was that bad for the forum to have this two posting almost at the same time? in my point of view that was a good thing, more mirror links.

Aikonhey has high reputation not just the amount of thanks but the amount of contribution to the forum as op and rules shouldn't hold back poster like him.

edit: im not sure if i make a mistake by posting this in a new thread instead of replying on another started by vitreous about this rule,
sorry I have forgotten, in my defend theres actually three thread about this, i would not know where to reply.
yes you are right,
at the same time both are the original posters, for me it is ok as you get more choices of filehosters,
it is also in the Idol photos
This is like exclusive uploaders v2. A group of people who can ignore the 7-day rule. It's quite sensible, but it's more complex than you think:

1. You are talking from the perspective of a downloader. Would the uploaders want this change? Because it would mean they can't get true exclusivity. The 7-day rule was created for video posters. For a long time now manzakura, taruhei and miranai have been using it for videos without any problems, and videos are much more work to post. These guys also like to release new titles as soon as they are out, but so far they have caused few moderation problems. Their constant releases suggest that the current rules are working for them.

2. If manzakura gets this status, then taruhei and miranai need it too. Otherwise he could abuse it in [IV] DDL (see 5). Many of us argued for manzakura, taruhei and miranai to get EU status long ago.

3. I don't like the idea that we just remember who has this status. Other people may need it in the future (see 6). If we did this then we should show it on the user name in some way..

4. So you're saying these users can ignore the 7-day rule. But can they ignore the double-posting rule too? That's very important to them. These guys are posting to make money (that's fine), and right now I believe the money is in Ryushare links. So what these guys want to do is post/repost Ryushare premium links as soon as possible. If they're not allowed to double post then they might not be interested in this change. [Have you ever wondered why we get many simultaneous posts, but few mirror posts after 7 days. It's because these guys are not interested in posting if they can't get Ryushare links]

5. This change is open to abuse. If someone can ignore the 7-day rule, then they can stop subscribing to Imouto or buying videos. Just download other people's work and repost it immediately as their own. Don't say "but these guys are really nice posters". Certainly they all appear friendly and provide lots of great content. But I have seen every trick possible from the posters mentioned here to get their preferred links up: posting invalid files on free hosts, deleting their own free links, waiting 1 day and breaking their free link URLs, editing their earlier posts to "time travel" around the 7-day rule, deliberately ignoring their own double posts etc. If there's a way to get more Ryushare premium links then someone will do it. We had an exclusive uploader once (forget the name) who was started out as a useful poster, but became an omnipotent spammer after getting the power of an EU. If we allowed people to ignore both 7-day and double-posting rules it could be even worse. Not saying this would certainly happen, but it could.

6. How do people join this club? I get the Imouto stuff too (haven't been posting recently), does that mean I can ignore 7-day and double-posting rules - can I add a third double post along with every pair from aikonhey/manzakura? How do I prove myself though? What about desioner and his purchases for members? Does he have to wait if a DDL poster has upped it already? What about a user buying his own titles?

None of these are deal-breakers, but you we couldn't just announce a change like this without some thought about the practicalities.
^ Lol at self. That was a complex post. But it does get complex when you start making big exceptions.

A suggestion with a much smaller effect is to modify the 7-day rule so posts at almost the same time are allowed. I just added the part that says posters must check and delete their own doubles. We could add a time window to that, so posters only delete their own doubles if there's more than a 5 minute time difference. If the time difference is less than 5 minute then they can leave their double post there and the moderators don't delete them either.

That solves the accidental double problem. It avoids most of the things I wrote in the post above because the original posters can't completely ignore the rules, they just get a little window of flexibility. Although we should check if the uploaders actually want this - this change is a disadvantage for the actual first poster.
We could add a time window to that, so posters only delete their own doubles if there's more than a 5 minute time difference. If the time difference is less than 5 minute then they can leave their double post there and the moderators don't delete them either

The question would be "How long does it take to upload the average file?" Is five minutes within that range or would the time be longer or shorter?

I don't know myself. Just thought I would give a little input here. I was bored.
I must to say you have good point

For a long time now manzakura, taruhei and miranai have been using it for videos without any problems
I personally don't visit IV DDL thread anymore, are these three poster working together, i mean, do they not repost from each others videos?

2. I was and still am from the few who want to this guys to have EU status. Why? take these three users off the forum and what we will get, almost nothing (excluding the reposters)
I think it's time that minarai gets Exclusive uploader status.
also Manzakura and Taruhei deserve the title (personal opinion) :bingo:
exclusive uploader or not, they will be r***ing by stegosaurus :spit:

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we get many simultaneous posts, but few mirror posts after 7 days
there should be a time limit before delete the post, if the free links a dead; posting mirror and keeping their precious premium links

But can they ignore the double-posting rule too? That's very important to them.
the only doble post they did are the ryushare premium links, but they could upload to another premium hoster...
free links don't paid?

I have seen every trick possible from the posters mentioned here to get their preferred links up: posting invalid files on free hosts, deleting their own free links, waiting 1 day and breaking their free link URLs

I know that this happened before from some video poster but i doubt that aikon delete his own links, mediafire links from his early post are still up , why he dont delete them or why nobody report them? im sure its just one mf fanboy is reporting the links.

(forget the name)
I remember 0rochimaru as EU , few exclusive videos and many repost, but how many of this exclusive uploader did get rogue, one?

not everyone cares about earn money through links (like Crowny, dar4u, guy...) and yes there are others who also have imouto/minisuka subscription but none of them upload almost every day like this two do.
how is the term repost defined?
in my understanding it should mean taking something that someone else has posted and posting it again. it seems here (at AO) to mean the posting of the same material, regardless of where it was sourced. a while back, that was the point of contention. if the ISO of movie 'A' (from share for example) was posted in DDL and another member posted the same ISO from his personal collection, that used to be OK i thought.

last year response
The ICDV-30096 torrent was allowed because that was a user who bought the title (via desioner). Obviously a purchase overrides the 7-day rule.
Edit: and I now realize this one is a user purchase too, so it's fine.

Reposting is uploading material that has been posted before, regardless of where you sourced it.

it doesn't matter now where you sourced the material. If someone has posted it before then it's a repost. Although in the case of videos, "significantly different encodes" are not reposts - so you can post different versions of the same video (SD, HD, ISO, HQ, 30fps, 60fps etc.) and they don't count as reposts.

so you are saying is per example: I post a picture set in original condition jpg files, anyone can repost the same files as bmp or jpg but lower quality, without breaking this rule? as there are different file extension or file size/ as if were different encoding of videos.

posts at almost the same time are allowed . If the time difference is less than 5 minute
we should take a closer look to whoever post first, I've seen someone posting the preview picture without the links just "uploading..." message ;) few minutes later edited with links added.
Well if you guys ask for exclusivity. I've been uploading minisuka for the last 2 years. Check the idol video clip section and i made a lot of exclusive contents. (graphis, dynamitechannel, milkiss, rq-star, 4k-star, naked-art videos and many more) you cannot see these stuff in other forums unless it was posted by me or someone copied it from me.i once apply to become exclusive uploader but Rollyco told me that AO staff rejected it. Try to search my post at JAV section i contributed rare jav titles and collection and links are still working (posted last 2010). Deleting my links is not my style.
please do not put the blame solely on Rollyco's shoulders about exclusive uploaders, it was a collective agreement between the mods at that time,

just a quick point about mirroring posts, with the Idols and Jav section, most posts are mirrored, I also thought most of the JI stuff in the DDL gets mirrored.
If a torrent comes up first usually it gets a DDL post, and it is usually not covered by the 7 day rule who ever posts first, as it was put up to share,