A Different H-Manga Upload Thread


Doodle Artist v(^_^)v
Feb 13, 2007
Hello, I'm pretty new here.

I noticed that this forum concentrates more on using Torrent as a way of Sharing files. Well, I'm just curious if I can start a thread that focus Hentai Manga uploads using Gigeshare and Megaupload? :puzzled:

If yes, then can you please tell me where I can put it :virtuous:

Thnx in advance. ( and Umm, if you can ... can you change my Name into Juggle instead? make it into a Capital 'J' ).
It's a Hentai Manga Uploads so ... I guess I'll be placing it in the Other Download Section then. Thnx for the Reply.

Gawd, I love your Emoticons hehe. :love: :virtuous:
Um, but it's not torrent ... well, can you move my thread there then I just made a thread already in the Other Download Section :why2: